Genus: Pasawioops FRÖBISCH & REISZ, 2008
Etymology: The generic name Pasawioops is derived from the Comanche workd "Pasawi'oo" for
frog. The Comanche are the Native American nation inhabiting the ara of Richards
Spur, where the specimen was found, and Greek, ops, "face."
Species: mayi FRÖBISCH & REISZ, 2008
Etymology: in honor
of William May, who was instrumental in providing access to the quarry and
the bringing together of private collectors and scientists,
resulting in the donation of a number of very important specimens from the
Dolese Brothers limestoen quarry for scientific study, including the one described
Holotype: OMNH 73019
Locality: Fort Sill, OMNH Locality V51, Dolese Brothers limestone quarry at Richards Spur, Fissure Fills, just west of U.S. Highways 62 & 281, 10.5 miles south of Apache, 6 miles north of Fort Sill, SW 1/2, Sec. 31, T4N, R11W, Comanche County, Oklahoma.
Horizon: Willington Formation (Garber Formation), Summer Group, Arbuckle limestone, (Probably equivalent to the Arroyo Formation of Texas).
Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Complete skull and clavicle.
Referred material:
cf. Pasawioops mayi ANDERSON & BOLT, 2013, SCHOCH & MILNER, 2014
FMNH PR 3027, OMNH 73509: Fragmentary skulls.
= Pasawioops cf. P. mayi
Locality: Gully #80, Archer City Bonebed, southwest of Archer City, Archer County, Texas.
Horizon: Upper Archer City Formation (formerly Putnam Formation, Wichita Group), upper Bowie Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper A.
Age: Wolfcampanian stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
MCZ 1415: Skull and lower jaw, and fragmentary atlas.