Species: pisciformis HUXLEY, 1862
Holotype: NHMUK (old BMNH) 30534
Locality: Gilmerton, near Edinburgh, mid-Lothian Province, Scotland, Northern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Lower Limestone Formation, Clackmannan Group.
Age: Visean Epoch, Early Mississippian Subperiod, Early Carboniferous Period.
Material: Fragmentary skull and skeleton with scales.
Referred material:
GSI 14: Left clavicle.
BMNH R41126: Interclavicle.
= Otocratia modesta WATSON, 1926
Etymology:Holotype: NMS G.1870.14.40
Locality: Burdiehouse, Edinburgh, mid-Lothian Province, Scotland, northern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Burdie house Limestone, base of Upper Oil Shale Group.
Age: Visean, upper Dinantian series, Asbian Stage, Visean Epoch, Early Carboniferous (Middle Mississippian).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Referred material:
PATON, 1975
Royal Scottish Museum: Postero-median part of a skull.