Species: pricei (OLSON, 1941) DILKES, 1990
= Acheloma pricei OLSON, 1941
Holotype: MCZ 1419
Locality: 1 mile south of Archer City, Archer City Bone Bed, Archer County, Texas.
Horizon: Upper Archer City Formation (formerly Putnam Formation, Wichita Group), upper Bowie Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper A.
Age: Wolfcampanian stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Fragmentary skull.
MCZ 1420, MCZ 1421: Skulls.
MCZ 1772: Occiput.
Referred material:
MCZ 1417: Antorbital portion of a juvenile skull.
AMNH 7150: Skull.
Locality: Archer City Bonebed, approximately 3 km southwest of Texas routes 25 and 79 intersection, Archer County, Texas.
Horizon: Upper Archer City Formation (formerly Putnam Formation, Wichita Group), upper Bowie Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper A.
Age: Wolfcampanian stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
MCZ 2313: Skull with fragments.
MCZ 2474: Fragmentary skull and limb fragments of an immature individuals.
AMNH 7150: Skull with a parietal skeleton.
MCZ 1413: Fragmentary skull of a juvenile, fragments of pectoral and pelvic girdles, humeri, femur and vertebrae probably attributable to Acheloma cumminsi.
MCZ 1414: Skull with separate skull roof.
MCZ 1420: Fragmentary skull of a juvenile.
Locality: "Copper Hill School," south of the north fork of the Little Wichita River near Texas Rout 25, approximately 3 km southwest of Texas routes 25 and FM 368 intersection, Archer county, Texas.
Horizon: Nocona Formation (formerly lower to lower upper Admiral Formation, middle Wichita Group), Lower Wichita Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower B.
Age: Upper Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
MCZ 1485: Skull missing table and lower jaws.
Species: whieti (OLSON, 1941) SCHOCH & MILNER, 2014
= Acheloma whitei OLSON, 1941
Holotype: MCZ 1767
Locality: 1 1/2 miles west of Williams Ranch, near Fulda, Baylor County, Texas.
Horizon: Petrolia Formation (formerly Belle Plains Formation, middle Wichita Group), Lower Wichita Group.
Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron upper B.
Age: Upper Wolfcampanian stage, Upper Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
Material: Skull.
Paratype: MCZ 1771: Parts of several skulls and much associated postcranial material.
CNHM UC 482: Skull.
MCZ 1548: Skull with fragments of a second small skull and postcranial skeleton.