Species: kochovi WERNEBURG, SCHNEIDER, STAMBERG, LEGLER & SCHOCH, 2022 (published 2023)
Etymology: In reference to the famous Kochov lake horzion in the Bostovice Basin.
Holotype: MHK 72771/2 (part) and MHK 72771/1 (counterpart).
Locality: Locality "V potoscich" near Kochov Village, Moravia, Czech Republic.
Horizon: Kochov late Horizon, Middle Letovice Formation.
Age: Middle Sakmarian Stage, Middle Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.
MHK 72771/2 (part): Skeleton with ventral skull in bony preservation.
MHK 72771/1 (counterpart): Skeleton with the ventral skull in imprint preservation.
Note: Stomach content with probable remains of conchostracans, adn the 21 21 presacral vertebrae).
Note: With body outline.