Species: lyelli (WYMAN, 1868) CLACK & MILNER, 1994
Etymology: In honor of Dawson's teacher, the geologist Sir Charles Lyell.
= Raniceps lyelli WYMAN, 1858
= Pelion lyelli (WYMAN, 1868) WYMAN in COPE,
= Amphibamus lyelli
(WYMAN, 1868) BOLT, 1979
Holotype: AMNH 6841 (ex COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY, 7909G)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Skull and skeleton.
Referred material:
USNM 4461: Partial skeleton.
MCZ 1277: Lower jaw and palate.
CLACK & MILNER, 2010 (2009)
CM 23057, 44757: Fragmentary specimens.
MB Am.331a-b (ex MB 18888-1456a/b), MB AM 23/48: Fragmentary specimens.
STEEN 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
P 2674: Impression of the palate, dorsal surface of skull shown.
= Tuditanus mordax COPE, 1874
= Platyrhinops mordax (COPE, 1874) STEEN, 1931
= Diceratosaurus punctolineatus MOODIE, 1902 (nomen nudum)
= Diceratosaurus punctolineatus MOODIE, 1909Holotype: AMNH 2566
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Large anterior palate.
Referred material:
STEEN 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
BMNH R 2670: Impression of external surface of skull.
R 2670: Counterpart slab of the same individual skull with impression of the palate.
= Ichthycanthus platypus COPE, 1877
= Ichthyacanthus platypus ROMER, 1963 (sic)
= Eryops ? platypus (COPE, 1877) COPE, 1886Holotype: AMNH 2002 (formerly Columbia University 7954G
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skeleton.
Species: fritschi WERNEBURG, 2012
Etymology: In honor of Antonin Frick alias Anton Fritsch from Prague and is intended to honor the brilliant researcher of the bohemian tetrapod faunas of permocarbons.
= Potamochoston limnaios STEEN, 1938
Holotype: NHMW-1893/32/27b (CGH 271?)
Locality: Nyrany (Nurschan), Plzen Basin, Bohemia, Czech Republic.
Horizon: Gaskohl.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian Series, Desmoniensean, Upper Myachkovskian Stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Late Carboniferous (Late Pennsylvanian).
Material: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.
NMP-M 340, NMP-M 356a, NHMW-1894/2385: Fragmentary skulls and skeletons.
Refered material:
NMP-M 347: Fragmentary skull.
NHMW-1898/X/25, 1983/32/37, 1983/34/44, NMP-M 338, 339, ZMP-M 00274: Fragmentary skulls and skeletons.