Species: campi SCHOCH, 2000 (Type)
Etymology: In honor of Charles l. Camp, former director of the Museum of Paleontology,
University of California at Berkeley, who made varied and excellent contributions
to palaeoherpetology.
Holotype: UCMP 37754
Locality: Holbrook 5 quarry, Apache County, Arizona.
Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.
Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.
Material: Complete skull.
Referred material:
Locality: UCMP V4927, Jennings Quarry, Navajo County, Arizona.
Horizon: Holbrook Member, Moenkopi Formation.
Age: Ansian Stage, Lower Mid Triassic Epoch, Early Middle Triassic.
UCMP 41635: anterior portion of palate.
UCMP uncatalogued 2: Large portion of skull roof in bad condition.
UCMP uncatalogued 3: Left postorbital skull table with orbit.
UCMP uncatalogued 4: Posterior part of skull roof in bad condition.
UCMP uncatalogued 5: Left portion of snout with according part of palate.
UCMP uncatalogued 6: Fragmentary right part of skull.