Genus: Rhinesuchoides BROOM & OLSON ,1937
=Rhinesucoides ERICKSON & PICKETT, 1987 (sic)

Species: tenuiceps BROOM & OLSON, 1937
= Rhinesucoides tenuiceps ERICKSON & PICKETT, 1987 (sic)

Holotype: FMNH UC 1519

Locality: 2 miles east of Stinkfontein, Prince Albert District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Middle Abrahamskraal Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tapinocephalus zone (Dinocephalian zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Tapinocephalus zone, KITCHING, 1970, 1977, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.

Material: Skull and fragmentary lower jaw.


Plastoholotype: SMM P73.16.2c.

Referred material:

= Rhinesuchus avenanti BOONSTRA, 1940

Holotype: SAM-PK-11489

Locality: Mynhardtskraal, Beaufort West District, Western Cape Province, South Africa.

Horizon: Middle Abrahamskraal Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Tapinocephalus zone (Dinocephalian zone KEYSER, 1979, SACS, 1980, KEYSER & SMITH, 1977-78, Lower Tapinocephalus zone, KITCHING, 1970, 1977, WATSON, 1914).

Age: Early Tatarian age, Guadelupian Stage, Middle Zeichstein Epoch, Middle Permian.

Material: Skull.

Referred material:

BP 2741, 2931, 2958: Tiny skulls.

= Rhinesuchus rubidgei BROOM, 1948
Etymology: In honor of Dr. S. H. Rubidge.

Holotype: RC 73

Locality: Wimbledon (Welgevonden), Graaff Reinet District, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Skull.


Species: capensis (HAUGHTON, 1925) MARSICANO, LATIMER, RUBIDGE & SMITH, 2017
= Rhinesuchus capensis HAUGHTON, 1925
Etymology: In reference to Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.

Holotype: SAM-PK-7419

Locality: Spitzkop, Graaff Reinet, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.

Material: Badly preserved skull.

Referred material:

= Rhinesuchus capensis HAUGHTON, 1925

Locality: Dunedin, Nieuweld, Beaufort West, Western Cape Province, South Africa.


Biostratigraphy: Cistecephalus zone.

Age: Tatarian Age, Lopingian Subepoch, Zechstein Epoch, Late Permian.


SAM 3010: Fragmentary skull and lower jaw.