Species: divaricata (COPE, 1885) MOODIE, 1909
= Ceraterpeton divaricatum COPE, 1885
Holotype: AMNH 2559 and WM 12311 (Same specimen)
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material Skull.
Referred material:
STEEN, 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
R 2668: Impression of the external surface of skull and the right lower jaw.
R. 2546: Impression of the ventral surface of palate, one lower jaw is in position, inner surface of skull roof visible through the interpterygoid vacuitites and posterior to the parasphenoid, remains of
fore limbs, shoulder-girdle, scales, nueral arches, and vertebral elements present.P. 2671: Impression of palate.
= Erpetosaurus tuberculatus MOODIE, 1909
Etymology:Holotype: AMNH 6952
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
Material: Fragmentary skull.
Species: newberryi (COPE, 1875) HOOK & BAIRD, 1986
= Colosteus newberryi COPE, 1875
Paratype: AMNH 6932 (formerly 8612G, Newberry Collection): Fragmentary skull, mandibles, branchial arches and scalation.
Referred material:
STEEN, 1930
Locality: Linton locality (Coal mines originally owned by the Ohio Diamond Coal Company), NE corner Sect. 13, T9N, R2W, Linton near Wellsvile, west bank near mouth of Yellow Creek, Saline Township, Jefferson County, Ohio.
Horizon: Canneloid shale underlying Upper Freeport Coal, Allegheny Group.
Age: Upper Westphalian D, Lower Upper Silesian series, Myachkovskian stage, Upper Moscovian Epoch, Middle Pennsylvanian (Late Carboniferous).
R 2547: Impression of the external surface of the complete left half of skull and the anterior part of both lower jaws.