Genus: Trematolestes SCHOCH, 2006
Etymology: Greek, trema (genitive: trematos), "hole, opening" and Greek, lestes,
Species: hagdorni SCHOCH, 2006
Etymology: In honor of Dr. Hans Hagdorn, who discovered the type locality,
found the holotype, and contributed in many ways to the understanding of the
Middle Triassic of Europe as well as the evolution of crinoids.
Holotype: SMNS 81790
Locality: Exposed section above bus stop at Albert-Schwegler-Straße, Michelbach an der Bilz (Leitenacker), northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Top of Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
Material: A nearly complete skeleton.
Referred material:
SMNS 81791: Posterior skull.
SMNS 81793: Partial tail skeleton of a small specimen.
SMNS 91582: Postcranium with partial skull.
SMNS 97025: Skull adn trunk skeleton.
SMNS 97026: Partial skull.
SMNS 97027: Disarticulated skull and anterior turnk.
Locality: Rielingshausen, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 9022: Skull with well preserved snount and palate.
Locailty: Eschenau, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 90043: Fragments of tiny skull and remains of the postcranial skeleton.
SMNS 57003: Parts of interclavicle, clavicle, and metacarpals of fore limb.
SMNS 81963: Left ilium of large specimen.
SMNS 90572: Interclavicle of large specimen.
MHI Ku 1715: Nearly complete skull of large specimen, tip of snout missing.
Locality: Zwingelhausen, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 56252: Partial skull roof.
Locality: Kupferzell, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 80968: Fragments of posterior skull table.
SMNS 83788: Small exoccipital.
SMNS 83787: Large exoccipital.
SMNS 90054: Pterygoid of large specimen.
SMNS 81794: Anterior fragment of mandible.
SMNS 81795: Postrior fragment of small mandible.
SMNS 81797: SMall interclavicle.
SMNS 81798: Small symphysis.
SMNS 84120-84127: 15 isolated intercentra.
SMNS 90049: 3 larval skull elements.
Locality: Wolpertshausen, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 81796: Posterior fragment of small mandible.
Locality: Gaildorf, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 90053: 3 vertebrae in articulation.
Locality: Ummenhofen, northern Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 81964: Symphysis of large specimen.
Loclaity: Velberg, Baden-Württemberg State, Southern Germany.
Horizon: Untere Graue Mergel.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
MHI 1715: Skull.
MHI Ku 1994-1: Large skull and mandible.
MHI 2048: Complete tiny skullSMNS 81963: Large ilium.
SMNS 84809: Small interclavicle.
SMNS 90043: Elements of tiny largal skull, right ilium and femur.
SMNS 90572: Large intercalvicle.
SMNS 91089: Left and right clavicle.
SMNS 91090: Large supeatemporal.
SMNS 91546: Posterior skull and postcranium.
SMNS 97030: Disarticualted postcranium wiht partial clavicle, and interclavicle.
SMNS 97031: Partial skull.
SMNS 97032: Posterior plate.
SMNS 97033: Disarticulated elemnts of the cheek and skull table.
SMNS 97034: Large symphysis.
Locality: Rielingshausen, Germany.
Horizon: Sandige Pflanzenschiefer, Upper Lettenkeuper, Lower Keuper, Erfurt Formation.
Age: Longobardian, Upper Landinian Stage, Upper Mid Triassic, Middle Triassic.
SMNS 90022: Juveinle skull.