Species: bergi EFREMOV, 1939
Holotype: PIN 206/1a
Locality: Between the mouths of the Upper and Lower Lyulyukta Creeks, along the Lower Tunguska River, near Tungus, Siberia, Asian Russia.
Horizon: Lower Bugarikta Formation, Dvuroginsk Horizon.
Age: Late Permian to Early Triassic.
Material: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary skeleton.
Referred material:
Locality: 1 km downstream from the mouth of the Upper Lyulyukta River, Siberia, Asian Russia.
Horizon: Bugarikta Formation.
Age: Early Triassic.
PIN 4262/1a and b: Impression and counterpart of the skull and anterior part of the skeleton.
Locality: Anakit River, Siberia, Asian Russia.
Horizon: Bugarikta Formation.
Age: Early Triassic.
PIN 4262/5: An incomplete skeleton.
PIN 4262/7a and b: half of a skull and anterior part of the vertebral column (two counterparts).
PIN 4262/9-1: Skull and the anterior part of the vertebral column.
PIN 4262/9-2: Skull from the palatal surface and the anterior part of the vertebral column. Different individual than no.9-1.
PIN 4262/11: A fragement of the palatal complex of the skull.
PIN 4262/20: An isloated parasphenoid.