Species: curonica AHLBERG, LUKSEVICS & LEBEDEV, 1994
Etymology: The specific name is derived from Curonia, the Latin from of Kurzeme,
the historical name for the western part of Latvia.
Holotype: LDM 81/521
Locality: Pavari, left bank of the Ciecere River, Saldus District, Latvia.
Horizon: Ketleri Formation.
Age: Late Famennian Stage, Upper Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.
Material: A right lower jaw ramus.
Referred material:
LDM 81/185: Right premaxilla.
LDM 81/188, 81/553: Right and left maxillae.
LDM 81/359, 81/517: Right lower jaws.
LDM 81/522: Left ilium.
LDM 81/531: Right clavicle
LDM 81/551: Maxillary fragment.
LDM 81/552: Isolated right dentary.
LDM 81/528, 81/532: Incomplete right palatines.
LDGM G 81/601: Interclavicle.
LDM G 81/775: Associated skull roof.
LDM G 81/776: Cheek.
LDM G 81/777: Complete lower jaw.
LDM G 81/778: Right anocleithrum.
LDM G 81/779: Left cleithrum and partial scapulocoracoid.
LDM G 81/780: Right ilium.
LDM G 81/781: Rib?
LDM G 81/782: Caudal fin lepidotrichium.
Locality: Ketleri, Saldus District, Latvia.Horizon: Ketleri Formation.
Age: Late Famennian Stage, Upper Late Devonian Epoch, Late Devonian.
PIN 54/180: Anterior part of right maxilla.
PIN 54/180c: Right premaxilla.
LDM 57A/1978: Incomplete interclavicle
LDM 57A/1984: Iliac fragment.
LDM 57/2600: Incomplete posterior part of left lower jaw.
PIN 1491/81: Clavicle fragment.
PIN 1491/82: Incomplete left suspensorium.
PIN 1491/85: Fragment of angular.
PIN 1491/86: Incomplete palatine.