Genus: Hapsidopareion DALY, 1973

Species: lepton DALY, 1973

Holotype: FMNH UR 2303

Locality: 6 1/2 miles southwest of Granfield, southern Tillman County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Skull and jaws, 2 1/2 vertebrae and fragments of pectoral girdle.


FM UR 2304: A flattened skull with jaw.

FM UR 2305: A flattened skull and jaw fragment.

FM UR 2306: Skull and jaw.

FM UR 2307: A posterior half of skull with jaw.

FM UR 2308: An anterior half of skull.

FM UR 2309: A group of disarticulated skull and jaw bones.

FM UR 2310: A laterally flattened skull.

FM UR 2413: A pelvis.