Genus: Micraroter DALY, 1973

Species: erythrogeios DALY, 1973

Holotype: FMNH UR 2311

Locality: South Grandfiled, southern Tillman County, Oklahoma.

Horizon: Hennessey Formation, (Arroyo equivalent), Low Clear Fork Group.


Age: Leonardian Stage, Lower Rotliegendes Epoch, Early Permian.

Material: Skull and jaw with 4 neural arches, 2 centra and part of the pectoral girdle.


FM UR 2312: Posterior part of jaw and ventral part of quadrate.

FM UR 2313: Snout from front of orbits.

FM UR 2314: Skull fragments.

FM UR 2298: Back of left lower jaw and articulated portions of the pterygoid, quadrate and quadratojual, and epipterygoid.

Referred material:

Locality: Coffee Creek, Baylor County, Texas.

Horizon: Arroyo Formation, Lower Clear Fork Group.

Biostratigraphy: Land-vertebrate faunachron lower D.

Age: Middle Leonardian stage, upper Rotliegendes, Early Permian.


BPI 3839: Skull and skeleton.