Genus: Bicuspidon NYDAM & CIFELLI, 2002 (a)
Etymology: Latin, bi, "two," Latin, cuspis, "pointed" and Latin, dens, "tooth" (Brown, 1956), in reference to the bicuspid morphology of posterior, molariform teeth of the upper and lower jaws.
= Bicuspidon MAKADI, 2012 (sic)

Species: numerosus NYDAM & CIFELLI, 2002
Etymology: Latin, numerosus, "plentiful," in reference to the common occurrence of the taxon in the Mussentuchig local fauna.

Holotype: OMNH 16743

Locality: OMNH locality V695, Emery County, Utah.

Horizon: Mussentuchit Member, Uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation.


Age: Mussentuchitan age, Uppermost Albian-Lowermost Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.

Material: A nearly complete left maxilla missing only posterior most portion of element.


Localities: OMNH V235, V238, V239, V240, V694, V794, V801, V868, Emery County, Utah.

Horizon: Mussentuchit Member, Uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation.


Age: Mussentuchitan age, Uppermost Albian-Lowermost Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.


OMNH 26228: A lot of 5 isolated teeth.

OMNH 27757: Jaw fragment with 3 teeth and replacement tooth crown in replacement pit.

OMNH 27986: Isolated tooth.

OMNH 27900: Right dentary with 18 tooth positions.

OMNH 27992: Lot of 2 isolated teeth.

OMNH 28609: Broken left dentary with articulated splineal.

OMNH 28118: Broken maxilla.

OMNH 34244: Isolated tooth.

In addition to these specimens there are 4 isolated, broken maxillae, 9 isolated, broken dentaries, 28 isolated indeterminate jaw fragments, and 61 isolated posterior teeth (many of which are catalogued together as lots of several specimens.

The additional specimens that comprise the hypodigm are;

OMNH 22111-22114, 22117, 22143-22147, 25565, 25567-25569, 26215, 26216, 26229, 26289, 26331, 26745, 26747, 26750, 26813, 26815, 26817, 27707-27710, 27712, 27728, 27736, 27737, 27759, 27760, 27781, 27882, 27886, 27887, 27925, 27969, 28020, 28070, 28073, 28113, 28128, 28129, 28531, 28688, 28689, 29632, 29633, 30462, 32432, 32446, 32638, 33435-33437, 33660-33663, 33918, 34312, 34461, 34561:


Species: hatzegiensis FOLIE & CODERA, 2005
Etymology: In reference to Hateg, Romania, the name of the synorogenic basin in Romania where this new species was found.

Holotype: PSMUBB V 368

Locality: 500 m south of Pui Village, Pui Islaz, along the Barbat River, Hateg Basin, Romania.

Horizon: Sanpetru Formation.


Age: Maastrichtian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Posterior part of a left dentary with 2 complete teeth.

Referred material:

PSMUBB V 366-V 374: 9 incomplete dentaries.

PSUMBB V 373, V 376: 2 incomplete maxillae.

PSUMBB V 377-V 379: 3 indeterminate jaw fragments.

PSUMBB V 380: Isolated tooth.

PSUMBB V 381-V 384: 4 ?cervical centra.

PSUMBB V 384, V 386: 2 ?caudal centra.


Species: smikros NYDAM, 2013
Etymology: Greek, smiros, "small" in recognition of the diminutive size of this species in comparison to toehr spcies of Bicuspidon.

Holotype: UMNH VP 11627

Locality: UMNH 162E, approximately 25 km southwest of the town of Parowan, Iron County, Utah.

Horizon: Uppermost Naturita Formation (old Dakota Formation).


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Broken right mandible with teeth.


UMNH VP 12900:

UMNH VP 12923:

UMNH VP 12940:

UMNH VP 13001:

UMNH VP 13004-13007:

Locality: MNA Loc. 1067,  approximately 1.5 km west of Cannonville, Kane County, Utah,

Horizon: Uppermost Naturita Formation (old Dakota Formation).


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.


MNH V9086:

MNA V10020:

MNA V10029:


Species: Nova MAKADI, 2012


Locality: Iharkut open-pit bauxite mine, Bakony Hills, Western Hungary.

Horizon: Csehbanya Formation.


Age: Santonian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: 2 dentaries and maxilla.