Genus: Dimekodontosaurus NYDEM, 2002
Etymology: Greek, di, "double," Greek, mekos, "length," Greek, odous, "tooth" and Greek, sauros, "lizard": in reference to the distinct difference in tooth height between the middle and the ends of the tooth row.

Species: madseni NYDEM, 2002
Etymology: In honor of Scott Madsen who has skillfully prepared the type of this and many lizards and mammals from the Cedar Mountain Formation.

Holotype: OMNH 34560

Locality: OMNH locality V695, Emery County, Utah.

Horizon: Mussentuchit Member, Uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation.


Age: Mussentuchitan age, Uppermost Albian-Lowermost Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Left dentary.

Referred material:

Localities: OMNH V239, V240, V695, V868, Emery County, Utah.

Horizon: Mussentuchit Member, Uppermost Cedar Mountain Formation.


Age: Mussentuchitan age, Uppermost Albian-Lowermost Cenomanian Stage, Upper Gallic subepoch, Lowest Gulf Epoch, Late Early to Early Middle Cretaceous.


OMNH 22105-22106, 28257, 32625-32627, 32634-32635, 33431, 33449, OMNH 61806: Jaw fragments.

OMNH 28733 : Dentary fragment.

OMNH 28814: Partial left maxilla.

OMNH 29634: Partial left dentary.

OMNH 30207: Partial right dentary.

OMNH 34558 : Broken right maxilla.

OMNH 61243, 61244: Osteoderms.