Genus: Judeasaurus HABER & POLYCN, 2005
Etymology: In reference to the Judean Hills where the holotype was presumably found, and Greek, sauros, 'lizard'.

Species: tchernovi HABER & POLYCN, 2005
Etymology: In honour of the late Professor Eitan Tchernov, for his contribution to the study of palaeontology in Isreal.

Holotype: HUJI P4000

Locality: Unknown, Judean Hills, of either Isreal or the West Bank.

Horizon: Either from the Upper Laminated Limestone member, Kefar Sha'ul Formation, or the Lower Member of the Bina Formation.


Age: Upper Cenomanian Stage - Lower Turonian Stage, Upper Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Upper Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete skull, including right maxilla, with 5 anterior teeth, a right jugal, fused frontals, and parietals, both postorbitofrontals, supratemporals, squamosals, quadrates adn partial mandibles and fragments of cervical vertebrae.