Species: denticulatus (GILMORE, 1928) ESTES, 1964
= Chamops denticulatus GILMORE, 1928
Holotype: YPM 1062
Locality: "Peterson's Quarry," Lance Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Left dentary with 23 teeth.
Referred material:
Locality: UCMP V-5620, Lull Quarry, near the head of a tributary of Buck Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County (Formerly Converse County), Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 46069: Anterior half of left maxilla.
UCMP 47784: Almost complete left maxilla.
UCMP 47790: Anterior half of right dentary.
UCMP 47796: Anterior fragment of right dentary.
UCMP 47797: Complete tooth-bearing portion of left dentary.
UCMP 47798: Complete tooth-bearing portion of left dentary.
UCMP 47800: Right dentary, broken posteriorly.
UCMP 47803: Posterior half of left dentary.
UCMP 47806: Essentially complete left dentary.
UCMP 47825: Anterior half of left dentary.
UCMP 49901: Right dentary, broken posteriorly.
UCMP 49904: Anterior half of right dentary.
UCMP 49906: Anterior half of left dentary.
UCMP 49907: Essentially complete right dentary.
UCMP 49909: Anterior half of right dentary.
UCMP 49912: Right maxillary fragment.
UCMP 49914: Right maxillary fragment.
UCMP 49917: Posterior half of left dentary, associated splenial and part of coronoid.
Locality: UCMP V-5711, Bushy Tailed Blowout, Quarry area includes the floor of a small blowout approximately 10 yards northwest of the highest point on the ridge forming the northeastern side of the blowouts of loc. V-5003, S 1/2, Sec. 20, T37N, R64W, Lance Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 49825: Right dentary, broken posteriorly, the teeth badly worn.
UCMP 49826: Complete left dentary.
UCMP 49830: Anterior half of left dentary.
UCMP 49832: Anterior half of left dentary, the teeth worn, but showing heterodont condition.
Other specimens from the following localities are present, U. C. localities, V-5616, V-5618, V-5620, V-5711 and V-5815.
Localities: UC V-5616, Altman Blowout, this large blowout, site of the UCMP field-party camps from 1956 to 1960, is just east of the crest of the divide separating Lance Creek and Hancock Creek and 100 yards east of a dirt road. Fossils were found in anthills, talus, and sandstone exposed in the blowout, which is in the NE 1/4, Sec. 9, T37N, R64W, Eastern Wyoming.
Locality: UCMP V-5620, Lull Quarry, near the head of a tributary of Buck Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County (Formerly Converse County), Wyoming.
Locality: UCMP V-5711, Bushy Tailed Blowout, Quarry area includes the floor of a small blowout approximately 10 yards northwest of the highest point on the ridge forming the northeastern side of the blowouts of loc. V-5003, S 1/2, Sec. 20, T37N, R64W, Lance Creek, Powder River Basin, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Locality: UCMP V-5815, Hatcher Number 2, western side of a cross-stratified sandstone erosional remnant near the center of a large blowout on the crest of a ridge, the distance form the nearest point on the road, approximately 150 yards south of the quarry, to the Johnson ranch is 0.4 miles, Niobrara County (Formerly Converse County), Eastern Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Numbers: Not given:
Locality: MNA site A (= MNA 107), Hogback South, 7 1/2 quadrangle, T26N, R16W, 108'29"10W Long. 36'16"10N Lat. 30 miles southwest of Farmington, San Juan County, New Mexico.
Horizon: Fruitland Formation.
Age: Kirtlandian Age, Late Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
Locality: East flank of Rock Springs Uplift, Sweetwater County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UW 14134, 14135, 15017, 15018: Dentary fragments.
UW 15019: Maxillary fragments.
Locality: Wyoming.
Horizon: "Mesaverde" Formation.
Age: Judithian Age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
BRYANT, 1990Locality: Eastern Montana.
Horizon: Hell Creek Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 130699: 3 dentaries.
UCMP 128873: Dentary.
CURRIE, 1986
Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Belly River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
EATON, DIEM, ARCHIBALD, SCHIERUP & MUNK, 1999Locality: UMNH VP Locality 10, Paul’s Locality, Markagunt Plateau, Southern Utah.
Horizon: Tibbet Canyon Member, Straight Cliffs Formation.
Age: Upper Turonian Stage or Lower Coniacian Stage, lowest Senonian subepoch, lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
Locality: Bug Creek Anthills locality, McCone County, Montana.
Horizon: Hell Creek Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MCZ 3661: 2 maxillae and a few tooth-bearing fragments.
GAO & FOX, 1996Locality: Gryde Locality, Frenchman River Valley, Southwestern Saskatchewan Province, Canada.
Horizon: Frenchman Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
SMNH P1927.231, P1927.871, P1927.908, P2004.89: Fragmentary maxillae.
SMN P1927.872, P1927.893, P2004.129: Fragmentary dentaries.
Leptochampos sp., cf. L. denticulatus
UALVP 29741, 29772: Right dentaries each having 16 tooth portions preserved.
HUTCHINSON & KUES, 1985Locality: BUNM 77-25, San Juan Basin, New Mexico.
Horizon: Fruitland Formation.
Age: Kirtlandian Age, Late Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UNM FKK-106: Teeth.
SAHNI, 1972
Locality: Clambank Hollow, just north of the Judith River on the Missouri River in north-central Montana.
Horizon: Judith River Formation.
Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 8490: Left dentary.
AMNH 8491: Maxillary fragment.
Locality: Northwestern South Dakota.
Horizon: Hell Creek Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
WROBLEWSKI,1998Locality: Western Hanna Basin, Carbon County, South-central Wyoming.
Horizon: Ferris Formation.
Age: Lancian age, uppermost Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Number: Not given:
Species: thrinax KEQIN & FOX, 1991
Holotype: UALVP 29749
Locality: Near Irvine, in S31, Tp11, R2, W4, About 40 km east of Medicine Hat, Cypress County, Southeastern Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Oldman Formation, middle Belly River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: An Incomplete left dentary bearing five teeth and bases of ten others.
Referred material:
UALVP 29748, 29750, 29753: Incomplete dentaries having several teeth.
Locality: UCMP V-81101 (= UW V-81006) False Rocks Quarry (part of BQFR, Barwin Quarry False Rocks), southeastern Wind River Basin, Wyoming.
Horizon: Mesaverde Formation.
Age: Judithian Age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UCMP 128495: Left dentary with 9 complete teeth and 1 fragmentry tooth.