Genus: Mimeosaurus GILMORE, 1943

Species: crassus GILMORE, 1943

Holotype: AMNH 6655

Locality: Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Left maxilla, complete except for extreme anterior and posterior ends and tip of nasal process, lower portion of jugal and most of ectopterygoid are attached, nearly a complete series of 12 acrodont teeth are present but badly worn.

Referred material:

ZPAL MgR-II/40: Right maxilla, preserved nearly identically with holotype except for lacking the entire ascending part of jugal.

ZPAL MgR-II/73: Middle portion of left mandible including the coronoid and posterior 2/3 part of dentary and splenial, and anterior portions of angular and supraangular.


GAO & HUO, 1995

Locality: Bayan Manduhu, Urad Houqi, Inner Mongolia, China.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IVPP V10031-V10036: All Incomplete skulls with mandible attached.

IVPP V10037: Incomplete left mandibular ramus.


GAO & NORELL, 2000

Locality: Ukhaa Tolgod, northeastern Nemegt Basin, near the salt extraction settlement of Daus, Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation or the Barun Goyot Formation.


Age: Middle – Upper Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IGM 3/74 (MAE 83/93-89), 3/75 (MAE 63/93-153): Incomplete skulls with mandibles.


Locality: Zos Wash Locality, Nemget Basin, Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolian Gobi Desert.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


IGM 3/76 (MAE 96-105): Incomplete skull with mandibles.


Species: tugrikinensis ALIFANOV, 1989

Holotype: PIN 3143/102

Locality: Tögrögiin Shiree (= Tugrugeen Shireh, Tugrikin-Shireh locality), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Djadochta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Maxilla and molar bone, right maxilla, postorbital and squamosal, fragment of pterygoid, left and right mandibles.