Genus: Orthrioscincus GAO & FOX, 1996
Etymology: Orthrios + skinkos (Greek, masculine), meaning “early skink”.

Species: mixtus GAO & FOX, 1996
Etymology: Mixtus (Latin), referring to the combination of Eumeces-like characters of the dentary and Gerrhosaurus-like teeth of this lizard.

Holotype: UALVP 29747

Locality: Near Irvine, in Sec. 31, Tp11, R2, W 4, about 40 km east of Medicine Hat, Cypress County, Southeastern Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete left dentary having 7 teeth and tooth bases as well as spaces for 10 others.


UALVP 29904: Nearly complete right dentary bearing 19 tooth positions.