Genus: Paleochelco MARTINELLI, AGNOLIN & EZCURRA, 2021
Etymology: Greek, palaios, "old, antique" and chelco, popular name used for lizards in some places of Central and South America.

Species: occultato MARTINELLI, AGNOLIN & EZCURRA, 2021
Etymology: Latin, occultatum, "hidden", because the holotype remaind unnoticed in the collections where it was housed for more than 35 years.

Holotype: MACN-Pv-N 120

Locality: On the campus of Universidad Nacional del Comahue (National University of Comahue), North of Neuquen City, Neuquen Province, Aregentina.

Horizon: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Rio Colorado Subgroup, Neuquen Group.


Age: Santonian Stage, Senoniain Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Incomplete anterior half of skull that includes partial nasals, partial maxillae, prefrontals, frontals, vomers, left septomaxilla in transverse section, left lacrimal and anterior tip of jugal, and anterior portion of left palatine.