Species: unicuspis GAO & FOX, 1991
Holotype: UALVP 29739
Locality: Railway Grade, Dinosaur Provincial Park, in S22, Tp. 20, R12, W4, Newell County, Southeastern Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: An Incomplete left dentary bearing 11 well-preserved teeth and bases of six others.
Referred material:
GAO & FOX, 1996
Locality: Irvine Locality, Cypress County, Southeastern Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Oldman Formation, middle Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UALVP 29910-29911: Incomplete tooth-bearing maxillaries.
UALVP 29732, 29736, 29740, 29743-29745, RTMP 82.24.57: Incomplete tooth-bearing dentaries.
Locality: Kleskin Hill Park Locality, approximately 25 km northeast of Grande Prairie, Grande Prairie County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Wapiti Formation.
Age: Late Campanian Stage, Upper Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
UALVP 50958 (KH. 2007.039): Rostral portion of skull preserving the anterior portions of the right and left maxillae adn the right and left dentaries, and a partial ?palatine.
UALVP 50961: Anterior portion of a right maxilla.
UALVP 50963: Partial skeleton preserving fragmentary cranial elements and the centra of 2 caudal vertebrae.
Species: brachyodon LONGRICH, BHULLAR & GAUTHIER, 2013a
Etymology: Greek, brachy, "short" and Greek, odon, "tooth."
Holotype: YPM PU 16724
Locality: Polecat Bench, Sec. 31, T57N, R98W, Bighorn Basin, Park County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Dentary.
Referred material:
YPM-PU 21375: Denatry.