Genus: Tianyusaurus LU, JI, DONG & WU, 2008
Etymology: Tianyu, the name of the museum in which the specimen is housed,
and Greek, sauros, 'lizard'.
Species: zhengi LU, JI, DONG & WU, 2008
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Xiao-ting Zheng, the director of the museum.
Holotype: Shandong Tianyu Natural Museum-05-f702
Locality: Near Qiupa, Luanchuan Basin, Henan Province, China.
Horizon: Qiupa Formation.
Age: Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Nearly complete skull and articulated mandible with the first 8 cervical vertebrae and the nearly complete pectoral girdles.