Genus: Amarillodon MARTIN, GOIN, SCHULTZ & GELFO, 2022
Etymology: In reference to the Mata Amarilla Formation and Greek, odon, "tooth."

Species: meridionalis MARTIN, GOIN, SCHULTZ & GELFO, 2022
Etymology: Latin, meridionalis, "southern"; after the southern occurrence of this new taxon.

Holotype: MPM-PV-22880

Locality: 3LAGO lcality, about 40 km SE of the town of Tres Logos, S49°45'48.2", W71°05'14.0", western central Santa Cruz Province, southern Argentina.

Horizon: Mata Amarilla Formation.


Age: Cenomanian Stage, Late Gallic Subepoch, Early Gulf Epoch, Middle Cretaceous.

Material: Left lower p3 or p4 or deciduous premolar dp3 or dp4.

Referred material:

MPM-PV-22882: Isolated right upper premolar, possibly a P1.