Species: minor (FALCONER, 1857)
= Pligiaulax minor FALCONER,1857
= Plioprion minor (FALCONER, 1857)
= Ctenacodon? minor (FLACONER, 1857)
Holotype: BMNH 47729
Locality: Durdlestone Bay, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Purbeckian.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Right ramus, external aspect, with most of the incisor and with well-preserved p1-4 and m1.
Referred material:
Locality: Suttle’s Quarry, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Cherry Freshwater Member, Purbeck Limestone Formation.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
DORCM GS 12: A fragment of left dentary with broken incisor, p2 and p3.
cf. minor KIELAN-JAWOROWSKA & ENSOM, 1992Locality: Sunnydown Farm Quarry near Langton Matravers, NGR SY 9822 7880, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Cherry Freshwater Member, Purbeck Limestone Formation.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
DORCM GS 7: Right P5.
DORCM GS 6: Posterior part of right M1.
Species: crassidens OWEN, 1871
Holotype: BMNH 47735
Locality: Durdlestone Bay, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Purbeckian.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Most of right premaxilla and maxilla, with roots of UI1-2 and crowns
of UL3 and UP1-4.
Species: falconeri (OWEN, 1871)
= Pligiaulax falconeri OWEN, 1871
= Plioprion? falconeri (OWEN, 1871)
= Neoplagiaulax falconeri (OWEN, 1871)
= ?Ctenacodon falconeri (OWEN, 1871)
Holotype: BMNH 47730
Locality: Durdleston Bay, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Purbeckian.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragmentary right mandibular ramus in outer aspect with the incisor,
roots of LP1 and crowns of LP2-4.
Species: osborni SIMPSON, 1928
= Bolodon crassidens OWEN, 1888 (partim)
Holotype: BMNH 47735a
Horizon: Durdleston Bay, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Marly Freshwater Member, Purbeck Limestone Formation.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Fragment of right maxilla with UP1 and the roots of UP2, UP3-5 and UM1-2.
Referred material:
Locality: Sunnydown Farm Quarry near Langton Matravers, NGR SY 9822 7880, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Cherry Freshwater Member, Purbeck Limestone Formation.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
DORCM GS 204: p2.
DORCM GS 202: p3.
DORCM GS 201: p4.
DORCM GS 203: m1.
DORCM GS 206: m2.
DORCM GS 207: M2.
DORCM GS 205: Broken I2.
DORCM GS 4: Left m1.
DORCM GS 1: P2 or P3.
DORCM GS 3: P2 or P3.
DORCM GS 5: P2 or P3.
= Plioprion minor (SIMPSON, 1928)
= Ctenacodon? minor SIMPSON, 1928Holotype: BMNH 48399:
Locality: Durdlestone Bay, Swanage, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Purbeckian.
Age: Tithonian Stage, Upper Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Right ramus, external aspect, with most of the incisor and with well-preserved LP1-4 and LM1.
A crushed fragment of right jaw, seen in internal aspect with the four premolars.
Species: hydei CIFELLI, DAVIS & SAMES, 2014
Etymology: In honor of Dayton Hyde, founder of the Institute of Range and the
American Mustang, for his support and cooperation on part of the institute.
Holotype: OMNH 62679
Locality: OMNH V1243, near the mouth of Hell Canyon, Section 26, township 8S, Range 4E, N43°19', W103°37', about 17 ENE of Edgemont, Fall River County, South Dakota.
Horizon: Chilson Member, Lakota Formation.
Age: Berriasian-Valangian Stage, Lower Neocomian Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Right M2.