Genus: Daulestes TROFIMOV & NESOV, 1979
Etymology: Kazakh, daul, “wind”, Greek, lestes, “thief”:
Wind thief.
= Kumlestes NESOV, 1985
= Taslestes NESOV, 1982
Etymology: Kazakh, tas, “stone, rock”, Greek, lestes, “thief”:
Stone thief.
Species: kulbeckensis TROFIMOV & NESOV, 1979
Holotype: CCMGE 1/11758
Locality: Site CDZH-17a, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).
Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Right dentary with partial alveolus for posterior root of 2 rooted canine, 2 alveoli for p1, partial anterior adn poterior roots for p2, 94 lacking protoconid apex, p5 lackign protoconid apex, m1 lacking para- adn metaconid apices, anterior alveolus for m2.
Referred material:
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk, CBI-14, Central Kizylkkum Desert, Uzbeskistan.
Horizon: Middle of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, lower Senonian subepoch, Middle Gulf Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
URBAC 98-126: Probably associated lingual and labial parts of left M1.
URBAC 98-127: An unworn right M2 lacking the metacone.
URABC 03-85: Right dentary with m1-2, m3 trigonid partially erupted, and alveoli for p5.
URABC 99-25: Right dentary with alveoli for m1-3, m3 was erupting.
= Daulestes olzha (NESOV, 1985)
= Kumlestes olzha NESOV, 1985Holotype: CCMGE 1/12176
Locality: Site CBI-4b, Dzhyrakuduk, central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Middle part of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Part of left lower jaw with ?dp 3-4 or m1-2.
Species: inobservabilis (NESOV, 1984) ARCHIBALD & AVERIANOV,
= Taslestes inobservabilis NESOV, 1982
Holotype: CCMGE 8/11758
Locality: Site CDZH-17a, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).
Age: Late Turonian Stage, Subepoch Gallic Subepoch, Lower Early Cretaceous Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Poorly preserved right mandibular fragment with m2 (protoconid broken) and alveoli of m1 and m3.
Referred material:
Locality: Dzhyrakuduk, CBI-14, Central Kizylkkum Desert, Uzbeskistan.
Horizon: Middle of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, lower Senonian subepoch, Middle Gulf Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
URBAC 98-146: Right P4 missing small part of anterior margin.
URBAC 04-153: Right maxilla with M1 and alveoli for P5 and M2.
URBAC 03-18: Left maxilla with M!.
URBAC 98-140: Left M2.
URBAC 98-102: Labial part o fright M2.
URBAC 99-103: Labial part of a right M2.
URBAC 98-138: Lingual part of left M1 or 2.
URBAC 03-88: Left dentary with p5, m1-3, and posterior root o fp4.
URBAC 00-43: Right dentary with alveoli for p1-2, 4, dp5?, m1-3, and erupting m3.
URBAC 00-55: Left denatry with alveoli for p4-5, and m1.
ZIN 84972: Right dentry with p5, poterior alveolus pr p1, and alveoli for double-rooted p2, 4.
Locality: Site CBI-4e, Dzhyrakuduk, central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Middle part of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
URBAC 02-91: Right maxilla with P5, M1 and alveoli for P4 and M2-3.
Locality: Site CBI-5a, Dzhyrakuduk, central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Middle part of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ZIN 88441: Left dentary with alveoli fo rp4-5 and M1-2.
= Kennalestes? uzbekistanensis NESOV, 1997
Etymology:Holotype: CCMGE 72/12455
Locality: Site CBI-4e, Dzhyrakuduk, central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.
Horizon: Middle part of the Bissekty Formation.
Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Left dentary with m2 (now damaged but can be seen in Nesov's photograhs) and alveoli for m1 and m3.