Genus: Gondtherium PRASAD & MANHAS, 2007
Etymology: In honor of the Gond tribe, Andhra Predesh State, India, people inhabitig the area where the
fossiliferou ssection is exposed, adn Greek, therion, "beast."
Species: dattai PRASAD & MANHAS, 2007
Etymology: In honor of Mr. P. M. Datta, Director, Geologicla Survey of India,
who dexcribed the first mammal from the Kota Formation.
Holotype: VPL/JU/KM/12
Locality: Exposed along a stream cutting 150 m west of Paikasigudem village, Rebbana Mandalam, Adilabad District, Andhra Predesh State, India.
Horizon: Upper Member, Kota Formation, Upper Gondwana Group.
Age: Early Jurassic.
Material: Left ultimate upper premolar P3.