Species: leesi SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL, 2003a
Etymology To acknowledge the essential contribution of Mr. A. Lee’s drawings
for her paper.
Holotype: BMNH J.746
Locality: Old Cement Works Quarry, (Washford Quarry), Kirtlington, Ordnance Survey Grid Reference SP 495200, Oxfordshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Kirtlington Mammal bed, near base of the Forest Marble.
Biostratigraphy: Oppelia aspidioides Zone.
Age: Upper Bathonian Stage, upper middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Left lower molar.
Referred material:
BMNH J. 379, ?J.430, J.514: Right lower molars.
BMNH J.289, ?J.518, J.824: Left lower molars.