Genus: Kulbeckia NESOV, 1993

Species: kulbecke NESOV, 1993

Holotype: CCMGE 52/12455

Locality: Site CBI-5a, Dzhyrakuduk, central Kyzylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Middle to upper Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: M2.

Referred material:


CCMGE 60/12455: m1?

CCMGE 53/12455: R m3.

CCMGE 54/12455: R M3.

CCMGE 102/12455: m2.

ZIN C.82567: L edentulous dentary with alveoli for m2-m3.



Locality: Locality CBI-14, Dzhyrakuuk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CCMGE 8/12953: L m2.

IZANUz P No 2155-M-3: R edentulous dentary with alveoli for p1-m3.

URBAC 99053: Left side of skull from near end of snout to middle of orbit with P1, P4, P5, M1 and partial M2 and roots for three incisors, C, P2 and M3.

ZIN C.82566: R double-rooted C lacking roots.

ZIN C.82568: L edentulous dentary with alveoli or roots for m2-m3.

ZIN C.82569: R dentary with m1-m2 alveoi, unerupted m3.

ZIN C.82570: L dentary with m1-m2 alveoli, unerupted m3.

ZIN C.82571: R dentary with unerupted m2.

ZIN C.82572: L canine, missing most of roots.

ZIN C.82574: L m3.

ZIN C.82753: L m2.

ZIN C.82575: L m1.

URBAC 00-9: R dentary with roots for p5, and worn m1-m3.

URBAC 00-28: R dentary with alveoli for m2 and unerupted m3.

URBAC 00-52: L dentary with broken il, alveoli, for 12-i4, alveoli proably for c, p1, p2, alveolus and root for p4, dp5, m1.

URBAC 97-1: R m2 missing parastylar lobe.

URBAC 98-2: R dentry with p3 alveoli fo rwiht p3 alveoli, p4, roots, p5, m1-m3.

URBAC 98-3: L dentary with broken i1, i2, partial alveoli for i3, and 4, erupting canine, four alveoli or partial alveoli for p1-p2, erupting protoconid of p4.

URBAC 98-4: R edentulous dentary with partial alveoli for il, i4 (?), and complete alveoli for c, p1, 2, 3, 5, m1-3.

URBAC 98-10: R edentulous dentary with partial alveoli for il, i4 (?), and complete alveoli for c, p1-m2, partial alveoli for m2.

URBAC 98-100: R M1.

URBAC 98-101: L M1 or 2 missing stylar shelf and protocone.

URBAC 98-102: A chemically etched R P5.

URBAC 98-103: L M2, worn, missing parastylar lobe.

URBAC 98-104: R M1 missing parastylar lobe and protocone.

URBAC 98-105: L M1 missing lingual half.

URBAC 98-106: R canine.

URBAC 98-109: R m2.

URBAC 98-113: L m2? Trigonid.

URBAC 98-116: L m32 lacking lingual trigoind.

URBAC 98-121: L m3.

URBAC 98-134: R M1 missing paracone.

URBAC 98-135: R M2 with some damage ot lingual and posterolabial surfaces.

URBBAC 98-136: R m2 somewhat abraded.

URBAC 99-64: R dentary with p2 posterior alveolus, p3 alveoli, p4 roots, p5 talonid, m1-m2, all damaged.

URBAC 99-100: L m3 with damage to trigonid.


URBAC 98-113: Right isolated petrosal.

URBAC 00-02: Right isolated petrosal.

URBAC 00-16: Left isolated peterosal.


USNM 642633: Right scapula.

USNM 642681 (URBAC 00-P6y): Right calcaneus.

USNM 642652 (URBAC 04-030), ZIN 85309: Distal humerus.

USNM 642646 (URBAC 04-052), ZIN 97885: Proximal femur.

USNM 642644 (URBAC 04-095): Right femur proximal fragment.

CCMGE 8/12455,: Tibia-fibula.

USNM 642675 (URBAC 1998.P15): Right astragalus.

USNM 642676 (URBAC 1999.P17): Left astragalus.

USNM 642702 (URBAC 1997.P8): Right tibiofibula.

ZIN 103881: Right distal tibia.


USNM 642633 (URBAC 04-183): Right scapula fragment.

Locality: Site CDZH-17a, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


CCMGE 5/12176:

ZIN C.82565: L M2.


Locality: Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ZIN 85309: Left distal humerus.

ZIN 85327: Distal femur.

ZIN 97885: PRoximal femur.


= Kulbeckia sp cf. K. kulbecke AVERIANOV & ARCHIBALD, 2003

Locality: CBI-117, Dzharakuduk, Kycylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Aitym Formation.


Age: ?Santonian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ZIN C.85045: Right petrosal.

ZIN C.85050: Worn left m1.


Locality: Locality CBI-4b, Dzhyrakuuk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ZIN 85516: Left isolated petrosal.


Locality: Locality CBI-4e, Dzhyrakuuk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


URBAC 02-14: Right isolated petrosal.

URBAC 02-84: Left isolated petrosal.

URBAC 02-92: Left isolated petrosal.

URBAC 02-113: Left isolated petrosal.


Locality: Locality CBI-5a, Dzhyrakuuk, Kizylkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Bissekty Formation.


Age: Coniacian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ZIN C. 85513: Right isolated petrosal.


= Kulbeckia kansaica NESOV, 1993

Holotype: CCMGE 9/12455

Locality: FKA-7a, located 3 km east of Kyzylbulag settlement, near Kansai village, Tadjikistan (Tadshikistan).

Horizon: Lower part of the Yalovach Formation.


Age: Lower Santonian Stage, Lower Senonian Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.

Material: M1.

Referred material:

CCMGE 9/12455:


= Kulbeckia rara NESOV, 1993

Holotype: CCMGE 5/12176

Locality: Site CDZH-17a, Dzhyrkuduk, central Kyzulkum Desert, Uzbekistan.

Horizon: Lower Part of the Bissekty Formation, (formerly Taykarshi Beds).


Age: Late Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: M1.