Genus: Morganucodon KUHNE, 1949
Etymology: Morganuc, a name used for South Glamorgan in the Doomsday book (1086 A. D.), and Greek, odon, “tooth”: South Glamorgan tooth.

Species: watsoni KUHNE, 1949
Etymology: In honor of Prof. D. M. S. Watson.
= Eozostrodon watsoni (KUHNE, 1949)


Locality: Duchy Quarry, near Southerndown Road Station, South Glamorgan County, Wales, Southern United Kingdon.



Age: Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: On a single molariform tooth.

Referred material:

KUHNE, 1958

Numbers: Not given: 300 Postcaninen teeth.


KERMACK & MUSSETT, 1973/1981

Locality: Ewenny Quarry, Welsh, Southern United Kingdom.



Age: Late Triassic.


M. 26169: A left dentary, including last 2 m and condyle.

U. 1: Right maxilla in matrix with P3, P4, M1, M2, M3 and M4 and alveoli for 1.2 I4, C, P1, and P2.

U. 2: Right maxilla with M2, M3.

U. 517a; Block containing a juvenile Right maxilla DM 1 and alveoli of roots of 1/4, I3, I4, C, P1, P2, P3 and P4.

U. 5a, b: Part and counter part of a parietal.

U. 53, 54: Left petrosal.

U.6: A left dentary, including m1-4, coronoid and angular processes, and condyle.

U.12: A right dentary, including alveoli for p1-4 and 1-2.

U.13: A left dentary, including p2-3 and roots of p4, and m1-2.

U 14a and U.14b: Part and counterpart of a left dentary. (U.14a includes impression of m2, m3-4, coronoiod, angular and conydylar processes, U.14b includes alveoli for p3-4, m and roots m2.

U.17: A right dentary including 3 molars, probably deciduous molars, roots of preceding tooth and alveolus for last molar, coronid and angular processes of a juvenile.

U.18: A right dentary, including teeth m3-4, alveolus of rm5, coronoid, angular and condylar processed and damaged condylar.

U.21: A left dentary, symphysis, coronoid, angular and condylar processes, damaged condyle, alveolus for ultimate molar and the 2 preceding deciduous molars of a juvenile.

U. 22a and U.22b: Part and counter part with two dentaries.

U. 22a/1: A right dentary on U.22a-alveolous for I1, teeth I2-4, c, alveolus for p1, teeth p2-4, roots of m1-02, teeth m3-4, angular and condylar processes, on U.22b part of coronid processes and impressions of the crowns of p4 and m1-3.

U.22a/2: A right dentary on U.22a, including alveoli of ri1-4, c. p 1-4, teeth m1-2 and the tip of the erupting m3, coronoid, angular and condylar processes and condyle.

U.23: The articular complex including prearticular, surangular and articular.

U.29a + b: 2 blocks, part and counterpart with dentary U.29a/1.

U.29a/1: A left dentary, including symphysis alveoli for I2-4, c. p.1-2, teeth p3-4, m1-2 and alveoli for m3-4, trough and coronioid process.


Locality: Pant Quarry, Wales, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Welsh.


Age: Late Triassic.


M.22679: A left dentary including the c, alveolus, diastema, 4 alveoli p3-4, teeth m1-3, alveoli for m4-5.

M.22680: A left dentary, including alveoli for I3-4, c, diastema and alveoli for p2-3.

M.22681: A right dentary including a long diastema, plugged alveoli and alveoli for p1-4, m1, alveoli for m2, tooth m3 and alveoli for m4-5.

M.22683: A right dentary, including alveoli for I1-4 and c.

M.22693: A left dentary, including alveoli for i1-4, c, and p1-2.

M.22883: A left dentary, including alveoli for i1-4, c, and p1-3.

M.22889: A right dentary, including alveoli for i1-4 and c.

M.22985: A left dentary, including broken alveolus of i4, alveoli for c, p1-2 and beginning of p3.

M.23193: A right dentary including alveoli for c, p1-2 and the beginning p3.

M.24565: A right lower jaws, including alveoli for last 2 m, coronoid process and prearticular.

M.24643: A right dentary, including broken alveoli for i1-3, alveoli for I4 and c, diastema and alveolus for p1.

M.24656: A left dentary, including roots of p4 and m1, teeth m2-3, roots of m4 and broken alveolus for m5.

M.24829: A right lower jaw including alveoli for last 2 molars, trough, coronid process, coronoid bone, fragments of prearticular and surangular.

M.26023: A right dentary, including alveoli for last 2 molars, coronid and angular processes and trough.

M. 21244, M.21245, M.21246, M.21247, 21248, 21250, 22511, 22517, 22520: Ecoccipital.

M. 22613, 22614, 22627, 22637, 22640, 22650, 22661, 22664, 22672, 22676: Frontals.

M. 21229, 21238: Right jugal.

M. 21231, 21237: Left jugals.

M. 21223, 21224, 21225, 21227, 23309, 23367, 23386: Right lachrymal.

M. 21226, 24536, 24555: Left lachrymal.

M. 23214: Right maxilla.

M. 23216: Right maxilla with alveoli for P4, M1-3 and 1/2 of M4.

M23219: Right maxilla with roots and alveoli for P3, P4, M1, and 1/2 of M.3.

M.23273: Left maxilla with M1 and alveoli for 1/2 p2, p3, p4, and 1/2 M2.

M. 23347: Right maxilla with M2 and alveoli for 1/4 M1, M3 and 1/4 M4.

M. 23413: Left maxilla with alveoli for 1/3 I4, C. P1 and 1/2 P2.

M. 23414: Right maxilla with alveoli for I4, C. P1 and P2.

M. 23417: Left maxilla with alveoli for I1, 1/2 C, P1 and 1/2 P2.

M. 24626: Left maxilla with P4, M1, M2 and M3.

M. 20613: Left maxilla with M2, M3 and M4.

M. 26160: Right maxilla with alveoli for 1/2 I4 and C and roots of P1 and 1./2 Pl2.

M. 23315, 23364, 26179, 26183, 26188, 26191: Left palatines.

M. 23327, 24531, 26171, 26192: Right palatines.

M. 22576, 22581, 22582, 22583, 22597, 22599, 22600, 24524: Parietal-interparietal complex.

U. 979: Left middle section of nasal.

U. 980: Right middle section of nasal.

U. 988: Right middle section of nasal.

U. 991: Right posterior portion of a nasal.

U. 992: Right anterior section of a nasal.

U. 993: Right anterior to middle section of a nasal.

U. 994: Left anterior section of nasal.

U. 996: Right anterior section of nasal.

U. 997: Left posterior section of nasal.

U. 998: Right posterior section of nasal.

U. 1000: Left anterior section of nasal.

U. 1001: Left anterior to middle section of nasal.

U. 1004: Left middle section of nasal.

U. 1005: Right anterior to middle section of nasal.

U. 1006: Left anterior section of nasal.

U. 1008: Left middle section nasal.

U. 1009: Right anterior section of nasal.

M. 22595: Left posterior section of nasal.

M. 22677: Right middle section of nasal.

M. 22820: Left posterior section of nasal.

M. 19112, 21150, 26144, 21168, 21175, 21180, 21196, 21200, 21207, 21208: Left petrosals.

M. 21105, 21151, 21180, 21183, 21185, 21192, 21216, 21220, 24713: Right petrosals.

M. 21210: Left petrosal in artificial association with squamosal.

M. 21165: Petrosal in right artificial association with squamosal.

M. 23204: , 23205, 23206,24628: Right premaxilla.

M. 22524, 22539, 22553, 22558, 22559, 24736: Left squamosals.

M. 22536, 22541, 22560, 24718: Right squamosals.

M. 22568: Right squamosal of a juvenile?

M. 24719: Left squamosal in artificial association with petrosal M. 21210.

U. 1015, 1055, 1057: Left stapes.

U. 1052, 1056: Right stapes.

U. 1068: Left quadrate.

U. 1070, 1073, 1085: Right quadrates.

U. 1050: Fragments of maxilla, lachrymal and jugal in natural association, part of right zygomatic horn.

U. 1059: Fragment of right maxilla with a sliver of lachrymal and roots of M3.

U. 1050: Fragments of maxilla, jugal and lachrymal in natural association, part of right zugoma.

U. 1059: Fragment of right maxilla with a sliver of lachrymal roots of m3.

U. 1050: Fragments of maxilla, jugal and lachrymal in natural association, part of right zygomatic horn.

U. 1058: Fragments of jugal and lachrymal in natural association, part of left zygoma.

U. 1094: Left articular complex of articular.

U. 1096: Left articular complex of articular.

U. 1097: Left articular complex of articular.

U. 576, 577, 579, 580, 581, 582, 584, 583, 588, 589, 590, 597, 599: Anterior basiocciptial.

U. 594, 598: Posterior part of basiocciptial.

U. 978, 1048, 1049, 1051, 1053: Basisphenoid.


Locality: Pantalun Quarry, Welsh, Wales, Southern United Kingdom.



Age: Late Triassic.


M.24560: A left dentary, including broken c, alveolus, diastema, alveoli for p2, teeth p3-4, m1-4, coronoid and angular process.

M.24597: A right lower jaw including last m, alveolus, coronid process and coronoid bone.

M.24599: A left lower jaw including m2-3 and m3-4, alveoli for m4-5, coronoid process and fragments of prearticular.

M.24601: A left dentary, including most of c alveolus, diastema, alveoli for p2, tooth p3, mesial root of a distal alveolus of p4.

M.24602: A right dentary, including alveoli for p3-4, m1 tooth, alveoli for m2, tooth m3 and alveoli m4.

M.24607: A right dentary including alveoli for m1, teeth m3-4, and alveolus fro m5, coronoid process.

M.24608: A left dentary including roots of m.3, tooth m4, root of m5.

M.24616: A right lower jaw, including tooth m3 and roots of m4-5, trough, angular and condylar processes and fragment of prearticular.

M. 24668. U. 494: Right exoccipital with a fragment of basioccipital in natural association.

M. 26129, U. 30: Left nasal and fragment of frontal in natural association.

M. 23408: Right maxilla with P4, M1., M2 and M3 and alveoli for P3 and 1/2 M4.

M. 24633: Right maxilla with P4, M1, M2, M3 and M4.

M. 26042: Left maxilla with M5 and roots of M 4.

M. 23455, 23456, 23475, U. 38, U. 547, U. 551, U. 553, U. 600: : Parietal-interparietal complex.

M. 26135, 495, 496, 500, 501, 508, 509, 510, 512: Right petrosals.

M. 26143, U. 168, U. 214, U. 493: Right squamosals.

M. 26144: Right squamosal in artivial association with petrosal M.21162.

U. 203: Left squamosal.

U. 491: Right petrosal with fragment of exoccipital in natural association.

U. 497, 498, 499, 502, 503, 504, 506, 511: Left petrosals.

U. 30: Left and fragment of frontal in natural association with nasal.

U. 519: Left frontal and a fragment of nasal in natural association.

U. 521: Right posterior section of nasal.

U. 524: Right middle to posterior section of nasal.

U. 1017: Left middle to posterior section of nasal.

U. 1020: Right anterior section of nasal.

U. 1021: Posterior section of nasal.

U. 39: Right maxilla broken M1, M2 and M3 and alveoli for I4.C, diastema, P2, P3 P4, and M4.

U. 224: Left maxilla with P4, M1, M2 and M3 and alveoli of roots of P2, P5 and M4.

U. 514: Right maxilla with broken P4, M1, M2, and M5 and alveoli of tooth’s of P2, P3 and M4.

U. 515: Left maxilla with alveoli of roots of I4, C, P1-4, M1, and 1.4 m 2.

U. 516: Left maxilla with C. P4, M1-3 and broken M4 and I4 alveolus.

U. 216, Right jugal.

U. 217: Left jugal.

U. 516: Right frontal.

U. 519: Left frontal and fragment of nasal in natural association.

U. 522: Right frontal.

U.24: A right dentary, including broken alveolus of rc, diastema, alveoli fro p2-3, and root of p4, teeth m1-3, and alveoli for m4-5, coronioid and angular processes.

U.25: A right dentary, including tooth m 3-4 and broken m4-5, angular and condylar processes.

U.26: A right dentary, including coronoid and angular processes.

U.28: A left dentary, including alveoli for last m and trough.

U.31: A left dentary, including alveoli for p1-4, teeth m1-2 and alveoli for m3-4, coronoid and angular processes.

U.32: A left dentary including alveoli for last 3 m, coronoid processes and trough.

U.37: A left lower jaw, including alveoli for last 2 m, coronoid and angular processed and fragment of prearticular.

U.40: A left dentary condylar.

U.41: A right dentary condyle.

U.42: A left dentary including alveoli for last 3 m and trough.

U.43: A right dentary including alveoli for last 2 m, coronoid and angular processes.

U.47: A right dentary, including broken alveolus fro ultimate m, part coronid process, trough and angular processes.

U.48: A right dentary, including root of penultimate m, alveoli for ultimate m and trough.

U.49: A left dentary condyle.

U.52: A right dentary including the m3-4, alveoli for m5, coronoid and angular processes.

U.118: A right dentary, including alveoli for 5 post canines and crypt for a replacement molar in the groove and dental lamina, of a juvenile.


Species: oehleri RIGNEY, 1963
= Eozostrodon oehleri (RIGNEY, 1963)

Holotype: Zoology Department, University College, London. (CUP 2320)

Locality: Yan Tsao Ti, Lufeng, Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Lower Beds, Lower Lufeng Series.


Age: Late Triassic.

Material: Skull and lower dentary.

Referred material:


FMNH (CUP) 5: Partial braincase.


BEIN, 1941, YOUNG, 1951

Locality: Yang T’sao Ti (Goat Grass Place), a poor grazing area some 20 to 30 minutes walk north-east of Lufeng, 25’8”N, 102’9”E, Hsien, or county City, Yunnan, on the Yunnan-Burman Highway, 112-113 km west of Kunming (Yunnan Fu), the capitol of Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Lufeng Series.


Age: Late Triassic.


Catholic University Peking, UP 2320: Fragmentary skull and dentary.



Locality: Laozufen site, Dawa locality, Lufeng Basin, The locality is near Dawa Village, which is approximately 2 km north-northeast of Lufeng County seat, Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Stratum 6, the dark red beds in the Upper part of the Lower Lufeng Formation.


Age: Sinemurian-Pliensbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.


BVP 358: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary dentary.


YOUNG, 1978

Locality: Lufeng, Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Lufeng Formation.


Age: Sinemurian-Pliensbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.


IVPP: Several skulls.


Species: heikuopengensis YOUNG, 1978
= Eozostrodon heikuopengensis (YOUNG, 1978)


Locality: Lufeng, Yunnan Province, China.

Horizon: Lower Lufeng Series.


Age: Late Triassic.

Material: Skull and dentary.


Species: peyeri CLEMENS, 1980
Etymology: In honor of the late Prof. Bernhard Peyer.
= Eozostrodon peyeri (CLEMENS, 1980)

Holotype: PIMUZ AIII-329

Locality: Hallau Local Fauna, Schaffhausen Canton, Switzerland.



Age: Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic-Lias Epoch-Early Jurassic.

Material: A slightly damaged, probably left, lower molariform preserved in a fragment of dentary.

Referred material:

Upper Molariform teeth.

AIII-255: Principle and posterior accessory cusp, left.

AIII-264: Anterior accessory cusp, left.

AIII-267: Posterior accessory cusp and part of principal cusp, right.

AIII-279: Fragment of last molariform, left.

AIII-283: Posterior accessory cusp, left.

AIII-292: Anterior accessory cusp, right.

AIII-310: Principal and posterior accessory cusp in fragment of maxilla, left.

AIII-324: Principal and posterior accessory cusp, left.

AIII-428 (NC 98): Posterior accessory cusp?

Lower molariform teeth.

AIII-266: Principal cusp and kuhnecone, left.

AIII-273: Posterior accessory cusp and kuhnecone, right.

AIII-280: Fragment with kuhnecone, left.

AIII-284: Possibly fragment of anterior end crown, right.

AIII-319: Principal cusp, kuhnecone, and posterior accessory cusp left.

AIII-380 (NC 50): Principal cusp, kuhnecone and posterior accessory cusp, left.

AIII-480 (NC 150): Anterior accessory cusp and part of principal cusp, left.


AIII-258: Posterior lower premolariform, left.

AIII-261: Posterior lower premolariform, left.

AIII-263: Upper premolariform, right.

AIII-277: Premolariform.

AIII-278: Premolariform.

AIII-282: Premolariform.

AIII-335 (NC 7): Posterior lower premolariform, left.

AIII-336 (NC 8): Upper premolariform, left.

AIII-350 (NC 22): Premolariform.

AIII-368 (NC 40): Upper premolariform, left.

AIII-423 (NC 93): Premolariform.

AIII-441 (NC 111): Premolariform.

AIII-460 (NC 130): Upper Premolariform.

AIII-509: Upper Permolariform.



Locality: Quarry of Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, situated on the commune of Rosieres-aux-Salines, Lorraine, Meurthe-et-Moselle Department, France.

Horizon: "Gres infraliasques" Formation.


Age: Lower part of the Early Rhaetian Stage, Uppermost Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


Lower molarifores

10 ph: Left.

SNP 33: Right.

SNP 99 W: Left.

SNP 171 W: Right.

SNP 253 W: Right.

SNP 527 W: Left.

SNP 2003: Left.


Species: tardus BUTLER & SIGOGNEAU-RUSSELL, 2016
Etymology: Latin, tardus, "late"; this is the geologically youngest species of this genus.

Holotype: M34984

Locality: Watton Cliff, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.



Age: Late Bathonian Stage, Middle Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.

Material: A right upper molar, lightly worn.