Genus: Sibirotherium MASCHENKO, LOPATIN, & VORONKEVICH, 2002
Etymology: In reference to Siberia, Asian Russia, where the specimen was found and Greek, -therium, "beast."

Species: rossicus MASCHENKO, LOPATIN, & VORONKEVICH, 2002
Etymology: In reference to the country of Russia, the country of provenance.

Holotype: PM Tgu. no. 16/5-22

Locality: Sh-1 (Shestakovo 1), 55°54’12”N latitude and 87°57’28”E longitude, Chebula District, Kemerovo Province, Western Siberia, Asian Russia.

Horizon: Ilek Formation.


Age: Khukhtekian age, Aptian-Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.

Material: Left dentary fragment with dp5, dp6, m1, and alveoli of (d) p3 and (d)p4.

Referred material:


PM Tgu. no. 16/5-2: Left dentary fragment wiht m4-m5, and fragmentary m3 and m6.

PM Tgu. no. 16/5-14: Right dentary fragment with m2-m3.

PM Tgu. no. 16/7-2: Left dentary fragment with dp5, and dp6.

PM Tgu. no. 16/7-23: Isolated left m4?

PM Tgu. no. 120/5-Sh 1-3: Isolated left upper molar.

PM Tgu. no. 120/5-Sh 1-5: Left maxillary fragment with penultimate and ultimate molars.

PM Tgu. no. 120/5-Sh 1-6: Isolated left dc1.

PM Tgu. no. 120/9-33: Right dentary fragment with m4? and base of m5?

PM Tgu. no. 120/9-34: Right dentary fragment with c1, p1-p5, dp6, m1, m2, and the alveolus of ultimate incisor.

PM Tgu. no. 120/6-Sh 1-8: Isolated fragmentary right p2.