Species: minor SERENO, SIDOR, LARSSON & GADO, 2003
Etymology: Laitn, minor, "little"; in reference to its small size.
Holotype MNN GAD603 (old GDF6003)
Locality: GAD 5, 16°46’N, 9°23’E, Agadez Prefecture,
Republic of Niger.
Horizon: Upper and lower portions of the Elrhaz and Echkar Formations, Tegama Group.
Age: Late Aptian or Early Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material : Nearly complete skull and articulated lower jaws.
Anatosuchus minor (modified from Sereno et al., 2003).
Anatosuchus minor (modified from Sereno & Larsson, 2009).
Referred material:
MNN GAD17: Nearly complete skull with lower jaws lacking only the anterolateral corner of the snout in articulation with a postcanial skeleton lacking the right pectoral girdle and forelimb, most of both hind limbs, sacrum and tail.
MNN GAD18: Mid-section of the left dentary preserving alveoli 7-14 and the anterior tip of the left splenial.