Species: valliceps TYKOSKI, ROWE, KETCHAM & COLBERT, 2002
Etymology: Combination of Latin, valles, "valley" and Greek, cephale, "head,"
in reference to the deep median valley present on the dorsal surface of nasals
and frontal bones.
Holotype: TMM 43631-1
Locality: TMM 43631 (“Calsoyasuchus hill”), field number TR 97/09, northern part of the Gold Spring Drainage basin, Adeii Eechii Cliffs, Navajo Nation, Coconino County, Arizona.
Horizon: Kayenta Formation, Glen Canyon Group, middle third of the silty facies of that unit.
Age: ?Sinemurian-Pliesbachian Stage, Middle Lias Epoch, Middle Early Jurassic.
Maaterial: Incomplete skull of a medium-sized crocodyliform, missing the occiput, braincase, most of the suspensorium, posterior portions of the palate, and jaws.
Calsoyasuchus valliceps after TYKOSKI, ROWE, KETCHAM & COLBERT, 2002, Holotype: TMM 43631-1: A) dorsal; B) left lateral; C) ventral and D) right lateral views.
Calsoyasuchus valliceps modified from TYKOSKI, ROWE, KETCHAM & COLBERT, 2002, Holotype: TMM 43631-1: A) dorsal and B) lateral views.