Species: spinosus HUNT & LUCAS, 1995
Etymology: From the Latin, spinos, "spine," alluding to the spiny lateral margins
of the dorsal osteoderms.
Holotype: CU-MWC 183-11
Locality: Entrada Ranch, Grand County, Utah.
Horizon: ?Middle of Moab Member of Entrada Sandstone.
Age: Uppermost Middle Callovian Stage, Upper Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.
Material: Skeleton preserved in dorsal view consisting of a skull, postcranial sequence of osteoscutes and portions of the right forelimb and left hindlimb.
Entradasuchus spinosus (modified from Hunt & Lucas, 1995).
Entradasuchus spinosus (modified from Hunt & Lucas, 1995).