Genus: Gobiosuchus OSMOLSKA, 1972
Etymology: In reference to the specimen being found in the Gobi Desert, Monglia and Greek, such0s, "crocodile."

Species: kielanae OSMOLSKA, 1972
Etymology: In honor of Prof. Zofia Kielan-Jaworowska (Palaeozoological Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw).

Holotype: Z.Pal.No. MgR-II/67

Locality: Bayan Zag (= Bayn Dzak, Shabarakh Usu GILMORE, 1943) (‘Volcano’), Ömnögov (South Gobi), Mongolia.

Horizon: Baruungoyot Svita, Djadokhta Formation.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Almost complete skull, somewhat flattened dorsoventrally, with damaged cranial roof; mandible lacking; disarticulated postcranial skeleton including distal dorsal vertebra, left humerus, proximal portions of the left ulna and radius, damaged left and right femora and tibiae, left fibula, fragmentary left carpus and metacarpus, fragmentary dorsal ribs, disarticulated armor.

Referred material:


ZPAL MgR-II/68: Posterior half of the skull, neck, thorax and proximal two thirds of the tail encased in armor, fragments of the proximal elements of the fore- and hind limbs.

ZPAL MgR-II/69: Skull with articulated mandible, lacking end of the snout, occiput, brain case and palate; three most proximal pairs of the dorsal cervical osteoderms articulated with skull.

ZPAL MgR-II/70: Snout with articulated anterior part of the mandible.

ZPAL MgR-II/71: Dorsal part of armor from ?posterior part of the neck and most of the thorax.


Species: parvus EFIMOV, 1983
Etymology: Latin, parvus, "small".

Holotype: GIN PST 10/22

Locality: Üüden Sair (Ulaan Sair, Udan Sayr), Ömnögov, Mongolia.

Horizon: Baruungoyot Svita.


Age: Middle Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.

Material: Skull missing posterior end and dentary missing the anterior left side.