Species: victor (MARSH, 1877) MARSH, 1877
Etymology: Latin, victor, "conqueror."
= Nanosaurus victor MARSH, 1877
Holotype: YPM 1914
Locality: In float on west side of Oil (Four Mile) Creek, probably below “The Nipple”, Garden Park, approximately 5 km north of Canon City, W 1/2, NE 1/4, sec. 28, T17S, R70W, Fremont County, Colorado.
Horizon: Member? Morrison Formation.
Note: Not the Lower Ralston Creek Formation, Callovian Stage, Upper Dogger
Epoch, Middle Jurassic, NORRELL & STORRS, 1989 (AGUE, CARPENTER, & OSTROM,
Age: Upper Oxfordian to Lower Tithonian Stage, Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Sacrum, caudal vertebrae, ribs, chevrons, scapula, distal and proximal ends of the right humerus, right ulna and radius missing the proximal ends, left ulna and radius missing the proximal end, left manus, left and right ilia, ischium, distal end of pubis? femora, tibia, metatarsals II, III, IV, V, and right pes.
Note: Possibly a Sphenosuchian (CLARK, 1986)
Hallopus victor (modified from Walker 1970).