Genus: Junggarsuchus CLARK, XU, FORSTER & WANG, 2004
Etymology: In reference to the Junggar Basin in northern Xinjiang, China and Greek, souchos, "crocodile."
= Genus: Nova CLARK, 2003

Species: sloani CLARK, XU, FORSTER & WANG, 2004
Etymology: In honor of C. Sloan who found the type specimen.

Holotype: IVPP V14010

Locality: Wucaiwan, Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Zizhiqu (SINKIANG) Province, China.

Horizon: Lower Shishugou Formation (also known as Wucaiwan Formation).


Age: Age: Bathonian-Callovian Stage, Middle-Upper Dogger Epoch, Middle Jurassic.

Material: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.
Note: Genus had no osteoderms.

Junggarsuchus sloani (after Clark et al. 2004).