Species: terrestris WOODWARD, 1896
Lecotype: MLP 64-IV-16-5
Locality: Neuquen Province, Argentina.
Age: Santonian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Material: Nearly complete skull.
Notosuchus terrestris (after Fiorelli & Calvo, 2008).
Referred material:
MLP 64-IV-16-1: Fragment of cranium.
MLP 64-IV-16-2: Posterior part of a cranium.
MLP 64-IV-16-3: Skull and mandibula.
MLP 64-IV-16-4: Rostrum and mandible.
MLP 64-IV-16-6 (205): Portion of rostrum.
MLP 64-IV-16-7 (219): Skull of a juvenile.
MLP 64-IV-16-8 (209): Incomplete skull.
MLP 64-IV-16-9 (201): Portion of a rostrum.
MLP 64-IV-16-10 (221): Posterior part of a cranium.
MLP 64-IV-16-11: Palate and mandible.
MLP 64-IV-16-12: Fragment of a maxilla.
MLP 64-IV-16-13: Anterior fragment of a mandibular ramus.
MLP 64-IV-16-14: Maxilla and premaxilla with teeth.
MLP 64-IV-16-15: Anterior portion of a rostrum.
MLP 64-IV-16-17: Basiocciptal and basiefenoid.
MLP 64-IV-16-18: Fragment of basiocciptal and basiefenoid.
MLP 64-IV-16-19: Fragment of a mandible.
MLP 64-IV-16-20: Mandible.
MLP 64-IV-16-21: Anterior portion of a rostrum.
MLP 64-IV-16-22: Fragment of a rostrum.
MLP 64-IV-16-23: Maxilla and a fragment of a mandibula.
MLP 64-IV-16-24: Anterior fragment of a rostrum and mandible.
MLP 64-IV-16-25: Fragment of right lower jaw associated with ectopterygoid, pterygoid flangs, and supratemporal region.
MLP 64-IV-16-28: ISolated distal tibia, calcanium, and astragalus.
MLP 64-IV-16-30: Braincase and supratemporal region of the skull.
MUCPv 118: Skull and lower jaws of a juvenile.
BONAPARTE, 1991Locality: Northern area of Nequen City, Neuquen Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Lower Rio Colorado Subgroup, Upper Neuquen Group.
(was Bajo de La Carpa Member? Rio Colorado Formation, Neuquen Group.)Biostratigraphy:
Age: Coloradoan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Santonian-Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MACN-N 22: Posterior skull.
MACN-N 23: Fragmentary skull and fragmentary dentary.
MACN-N 24: Distal end of snout and mandible.
Locality: South hill of the Neuquen River, Neuquen Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Lower Rio Colorado Subgroup, Upper Neuquen Group.
(was Bajo de La Carpa Member? Rio Colorado Formation, Neuquen Group.)Biostratigraphy:
Age: Coloradoan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Santonian-Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MUCPv-137: Skull and incompletely articulated postcranial, together with associated postcranial remains.
MUCPv-198: Cranial and disarticulated fragmentary postcranial associated materials.
POL, 2005
Locality: Outcrops west of Paso Cordova, Rio Negro Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Lower Rio Colorado Subgroup, Upper Neuquen Group.
(was Bajo de La Carpa Member? Rio Colorado Formation, Neuquen Group.)Biostratigraphy:
Age: Coloradoan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Santonian-Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MACN-RN 1024: Proximal end of a coracoid.
MACN-RN 1027: Fragmentary skull associated to osteoderms.
MACN-RN 1037: Skull associated with cervical and dorsal vertebrae, pectoral girdle and forelimb.
MACN-RN 1042: Proximal end of a humerus, and distal end of a radius.
MACN-RN 1043: Isolated osteoderm.
MACN-RN 1044: Fragmentary skull associated to cervicodorsal vertebae, scapulae and pelvic girdle elements.
MPCA-PV 249: Dorsolumbar, sacral and caudal vertebrae in articulation with right
ilium, femur and proximal end of a tibia.
MPCA-PV250: Forelimb associated with skull and lower jaws.
Locality: Near Neuquen City, Neuquen Province, northern Patagonia, Argentina.
Horizon: Bajo de la Carpa Formation, Lower Rio Colorado Subgroup, Upper Neuquen Group.
(was Bajo de La Carpa Member? Rio Colorado Formation, Neuquen Group.)Biostratigraphy:
Age: Coloradoan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Santonian-Campanian Stage, Senonian Subepoch, Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
MUC-PV 287: Associated postcranial remains including vertebral series, scapular girdle, forelimb, pelvis and hindlimb.
MLP 64-IV-16-27: Isolated dorsal vertebrae.
MUCPv-35: Skull and anterior part of jaw.
MUCPv-147: Complete and articulated skull and jaw in associated postcranial remains.
MUCPv-149: Associated postcranial remains.
Species: lepidus SAEZ, 1957
Holotype: Number not given.
Locality: Neuquen Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Old red Sandstone.
Age: Late Cretaceous.
Material: Skull missing most of the middle and posterior portion of dentary.
Notosuchus lepidus (modified from Saez, 1957).