Species: trinquei ROGERS, 2003
Etymology: In honor of Lance Trinque, a dedicated field assistant who helped
in discovery and excavation of SMU locality 331.
Holotype: SMU 75278
Locality: SMU locality 331, about 100 kilometers southwest of Fort Wort, Erath County, Texas.
Horizon: Glen Rose Formation, 2 meters blow the buried contact with the overlying Paluxy Formation, Trinity Group.
Age: Comanchean, Lower Cashenranchian age, Early to Middle Albian Stage, Middle Gallic subepoch, upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Material: Right maxilla.
Referred material:
At least 13 individuals.
SMU 75009, 75277-75278, 75289-75291: Maxille.
SMU 75278-75279: Dentaries.
SMU 75092, 75103: Teeeth.
SMU 75299: Associated left and right dentaries and surangulars.
SMU 75290, 75313-75315: Surangulars.
SMU 75302, 75304-75307: Jugals.
SMU 75308-75309, 75311-75312: Frontals.
SMU 75303: Squamosal.
SMU 75310: Postorbital.
SMU 75090: Parietal.
SMU 75281-75286: Quadrates.
SMU 75287: Basioccipital.
SMU 75103-75111: Cervical vertebrae.
SMU 75153-75168: Dorsal vertebrae.
SMU 75112-75115: Sacral vertebrae.
SMU 75116-75150: Caudal vertebrae.
SMU 75169-75201: Ribs.
SMU 75068-75076: Scapulae.
SMU 75063-75067: Coracoids.
SMU 75028-75033: Humerii.
SMU 75262-75268, 72595: Radii.
SMU 75050-75052: Ulnae.
SMU 75272 : Radiale.
SMU 75274, 75294: Phalanges.
SMU 75273: Ungual.
SMU 75055-75059: Ilia.
SMU 75060-75063: Ischia.
SMU 75296: Pubis.
SMU 75010-75026: Femora.
SMU 75034-75047: Tibiae.
SMU 75048-75049: Fibulae.
SMU 75269-75271: Metatarsals.
SMU 75293, 75316:
SMU 75276: Calcaneum.
SMU 75202-75260: Osteoderms.