Genus: Saltoposuchus HUENE, 1921
Etymology: Latin, Salto, "leap" and Greek, suchus, "crocodile."

Species: connectens HUENE, 1921
Etymology: Latin, connectens, "join together."
= Aetosaurus var. minor HUENE, 1921

Holotype: SMNS 12597

Locality: Pfaffenhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Stubensandstein.


Age: Norian Stage, Upper Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Angular, left frontal, squamosals, left jugal, left quadrate, presacral vertebrae, 3 sacral vertebrae, ilium, pubis, femur, tibia, fibula, astragalus, calcanues, metatarsals, phalanges, dorsal scutes and gastralia.

Saltoposuchus connectens Holotype: SMNS 12597, modified from Huene, 1921; A) dorsal and B) lateral views.

Saltoposuchus connectens composite skull (modified after Sereno & Wild, 1992: SMNS 12352, 12591a, 12596, 12597); A) dorsal and B) lateral views.

Saltoposuchus connectens (modified from Huene, 1921).

New skeletal interpertation.

Pelvis modified from HUENE, 1921.

From Huene, 1921.

Referred material:

= Saltoposuchus longipes HUENE, 1921
Etymology: Latin, longus, "long" and Latin, pes, "foot"; Long foot.
= Aetosaurus var major HUENE, 1921
= Procompsognathus triassicus E. FRAAS, 1913 (referred skull, SERENO & WILD, 1992)

Holotype: SMNS 12596

Locality: Pfaffenhofen, Bayern (Bavaria) State, Germany.

Horizon: Stubensandstein.


Age: Norian Stage, Upper Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.

Material: Left squamosal, left quadrate, maxilla, pterygoid, presacral, dorsal, and caudal vertebrae, ulna, ischium, pubis, femur, tibia, fibula and dorsal scutes.

Saltoposuchus longipes Holotype: SMNS 12596, modified from Huene, 1921; A) dorsal and B) lateral views.


= Procompsognathus triassicus HUENE, 1921 (referred material)

Locality: Quarry Burrer on the North Slope of the St. near Pfaffenhoffen, north of Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.

Horizon: Middle Stubensandsetin.


Age: Middle Norian Stage, Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.


SMNS 12352: Fragmentary skull and lower jaw.

Saltoposuchus longipes (= Procompsognathus triassicus from HUENE, 1921)  skull (modified after Sereno & Wild, 1992).

SMNS 12591a: Fragmentary skull.

SMNS 12591a: Fragmentary skull modified from Sereno & Wild, 1992; A) dorsal and B) lateral views.


SMNS 12352a: An isolated left manus.