Genus: Torvoneustes ANDRADE, YOUNG, DESOJO & BRUSATTE, 2010
Etymology: Latin, torvus-, "savage" and Greek, neustes, "swimmer": In reference to teh morphology of the skull, postcrania, and dentition, which indicate a large and robust marine peredator, as indicated in its original descrption by WILKINSON, YOUNG & BENTON, 2008
= Meteriorhynchidae Genus: Nova CARPENTER, 2006

Etymology: In refernce to Mexico where the specimen was found.
= Plesiosaurus (Polypticodon) mexicanus WIELAND, 1910
= ?Cricosaurus mexicanus (WIELAND, 1910) YOUNG, BRUSATTE, RUTA, & ANDRADE, 2010

Holotype: UNAM IGM 9026

Locality: At a point north of Putla, 6 km south-southwest of Tlaxiaco, Mixteca, Oaxaca State, Southern most Mexico.

Horizon: Sabinal Formation.


Age: Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: Fragment of cranium including part of the maxillae and dentaries showing 12 teeth in oclussal position, and splenials forming the mandibular symphysis.



Species: carpenteri (WILKINSON, YOUNG & BENTON, 2008) ANDRADE, YOUNG, DESOJO & BRUSATTE, 2010 (Type)
= Dakosaurus carpenteri WILKINSON, YOUNG & BENTON, 2008
Etymology: In honor of Mr. Simon Carpenter, who discovered the holotype and subsequent postcranial material, yieldong 'Carpenter's earth lizard'.
= Geosaurus carpenteri (WILKINSON, YOUNG & BENTON, 2008) YOUNG & de ANDRADE, 2009

Holotype: BRSMG Ce1765

Locality: Westbury, Wiltshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Kimmeridge Clay Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Upper mutabilis to upper eucoxus zones.

Age: Upper Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material: An incomplete skull that consists of maxilla, parietal premaxilla, prefrontals, frontals, pairetal, nasal, postorbital and squamosal.


BRSMG Cd7203: Mandibular fragments, 36 vertebrae including 5 cervicals, 12 dorsals, 1 sacral and 8 caudal vertebrae, ribs, including 3 cervical and approximately 12 dorsals, humerus, possible propodial and metacarpal, left ischium, left and right femora.


Species: coryphaeus YOUNG, de ANDRADE, ETCHES & BEATTY, 2013
Etymology: Latinized Greek, koryphaios, "leader of a movement or a chorus": So named as the specimen is beautifully (and three-dimensionally) preserved, helping to elucidate metriorhynchid cranial form. Koryphaios is derived from Koryphe, meaning the top of the head; appropriate as the external surface of the dermatocranium in this specimen has intriguing evolutionary implications. Coryphaeus is used as a noun in apposiiton.

Holotype: MJML K1863

Locality: Studley Grange landfill, Lydiard Tregoze, Wiltshire County, England, Southern United Kingdom.

Horizon: Lower Kimmeridge Clay Formation.

Biostratigraphy: Pictonia baylei sub-Boreal ammonite zone.

Age: Lowermost Kimmeridgian Stage, Middle Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.

Material:Three-dimensionally preserved skull (lacking most of the rostrum), the posterior half of the left mandibular ramus, and seven isolated teeth found in close association with the skull.


Etymology: In reference to Jura, which corresponds to both the mountian range and the Swiss canton where teh holoytpe was found. The complete name could therefore be translated form Latin as "savage swimmer from Jura."

Holotype: MJSN BSY008-465

Locality: Coutedoux-Bois de Sylleux, Ajoie, canton of Jura, Switzerland.

Horizon: Lower Virgula Marls, Chevenez Member, Reuchenette Formation.

Biostratritigraphy: Eudoxus ammonite zone.

Age: Late Kimmeridgian Stage, Early Malm Epoch, Middle Late Jurssic.

Material: Frontal, prefrontals, right postorbital, nasals, maxillae, right premaxillae, angulars, surangulars, articulars, splenials, dentaries, several isolated teeth, cervical, dorsal and caudal vertebrae, ribs, left ischium, right femur, and ehe right fibula.