Species: hingleyae WILBERG, GODOY, GRIFFITHS, TURNER & BENSON, 2023 (Type)
Etymology: I nhonor of Elizabeth "lizzie" Hingley, who discovered additional material and prepared the specimen.
Holotype: LYMPH 2021/45
Locality: Recovered as eroded material adjacent to the beach approximately one kilometer west of the Charmouth Heritage Coast Centre, Charmouth, Bridport, Dorset County, England, Southern United Kingdom.
Horizon: Belemnite Marl Member, Charmouth Mudstone.
Biostratigraphy: Uptonia jamesoni chronozone.
Age: Pliensbachian Stage, Early Late Lias Epoch, Early Jurassic.
Material: Partial skull, partial mandible, cervical and dorsal vertebrae in articulation and isolated caudal vertbrae, cervical and dorsal ribs, right pectoral girdle (right scapula adn partial right coracoid), partial right humerus, ulna, partial tibia and one dorsal osteoderm.