Genus: Pterodaustro BONAPARTE, 1970
Etymology: Greek, pteron, ‘wing’, and Latin, de austro, ‘from
the south’.
Species: guinazui BONAPARTE, BONAPARTE, 1970 (emend Wellnhofer, 1978)
Etymology: In honor of the Argentine Paleontologist Roman Guiñazu.
Locality: Loma del, Pterodaustro Fossil Site, 4 km SSW and 116 km from ruta nacional 147, Depto Belgrano, Sierra de las Quijadas, San Luis Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Inferior Lagarcito Formation.
Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
Referred material:
MIC-V243: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.
Note: With gastroliths.
Locality: 35 m from the Loma del, Pterodaustro Fossil Site, 4 km SSW and 116 km from ruta nacional 147, Depto Belgrano, Sierra de las Quijadas, San Luis Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Inferior Lagarcito Formation.
Age: Albian Stage, Middle Gallic Subepoch, Upper Early Cretaceous Epoch, Early Cretaceous.
MIC-V263: Fragmentary skull and skeleton.
Note: With gastroliths.