Genus: Maiasaura HORNER & MAKELA, 1979
Etymology: Greek, Maia, “good mother”, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “Good mother lizard”.
= Maiasauria STOKES, 1988 (sic)
= Maiasaurus BROWNE, 1980 (sic, New York Times News Service, February 14, 1980)

Species: peeblesorum HORNER & MAKELA, 1979
Etymology: In honor of the James and John Peebles families, owners of the land where the specimens were collected.

Referred material:


Locality: Montana.

Horizon: Two Medicine Formation.
Note: Equivalent to the Lower to Middle Dinosaur Park Formation


Age: Judithian age, Campanian Stage, Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ROM 44770: An adult skull and skeleton.
Note: This specimen shows its more closely related to Brachylophosaurus.
Note: With skin impressions (BELL, 2014).