Genus: Anatosaurus LULL & WRIGHT, 1942
Species: annectens (MARSH, 1892) LULL & WRIGHT,
Referred material:
Locality: Ruth Mason Dinosaur Quarry, Faith, South Dakota.
Horizon: Hell Creek Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
TCM no number: Distal caudal with 1 distal indent.
TCM 2004.111.19: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal indet.
TCM 2004.111.50: Mid-distal caudal with 1 distal "mound" lesion.
TCM 2005.143.27: Mid-distal caudal with 3-4 proximal and 1 distal "button" lesion.
TCM 2005.143.29: Mid-distal caudal with 2 proximal "mound" lesion.
TCM 2006.63.45: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal and distal indent.
TCM 2007.207.82: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion.
TCM 2007.207.92: Mid-distal caudal with porximal; distal indent.
TCM 2012.11.23: Distal caudal with 1 proximal and distal indet.
TCM 2012.11.26: Mid-distal caudal with 2 proximal "button" lesion.
TCM 2012.11.55: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion.
TCM 2012.11.80: Mid caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion and 1 distal "button" lesion.
TCM 2013.22.55: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "button" lesion.
TCM 2013.22.67: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "button" lesion.
TCM 2014.111.52: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion and 2 distal "button" lesion.
TCM 2014.111.101: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion and 3 distal "button" lesion.
TCM 2014.111.119: Mid-distal caudal with 1 distal and 1 distal "button" lesion and distal indent.
TCM 2014.111.135: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal and 1 distal "button" lesion.
TCM 2015.16.125: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal indet.
TCM 2016.24.28: Mid-distal caudal with 1 distal indet.
TCM 2016.24.82: Mid-distal caudal with 1 proximal "mound" lesion.
TCM 2016.24.101: Mid-distal caudal with 1 distal "button" lesion and 1 proximal indet.
TCM 2017.121.24: Distal caudal with 1 proximal and distal indet.
Locality: North and South Quarries, Niobrara County, Wyoming.
Horizon: Lance Formation.
Age: Lancian age, upper Maastrichtian Stage, uppermost Senonian subepoch, Upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
Bonebeds with 3013 specimens, 96 with macroscopic bone abnormalities adn 55 with pathologies atributed to physical trauma.
Pre-Mortem Trauma:
HRS07948: Neural spine from a middle-distal caudal vertebra.
HRS02082: Neural spine from a middle caudal vertebra.
HRS00428: Middle-distal caudal vertebra.
HRS01106: Neural spine from a middle-distal caudal vertebra.
HRS00428: Distal caudal vertebra.
HRS00323, HRS05801, HRS00444, HRS07245: Distal caudal vertebrae.
HRS01295: Distal fragment of neural spine.
HRS000404: Neural spine from a distal caudal vertebra.
HRS01248: Neural spine fragment from a middle-distal caudal neural spine.
HRS14435: Middle caudal vertebra.
HRS00836: Middle caudal vertebra.
HRS00853: Chevron fragment.
HRS17086: Chevron fragment with the bifurcated end mostly complete.
HRS07257: Phalanx of the manus with apparent bone remodeling.