Species: formidabilis (ERICKSON, 1976) BROCHU, 1997
Locality: SMM Wannagan Creek Quarry, Lower Level, NW 1/4 Sec. 18. 18, T. 141 N., R. 102 W., Billings County. North Dakota.
Horizon: Bullion Creek Formation.
Age: Late Paleocene Epoch, Lower Paleogene Period, Lower Tertiary Subera, Cenozoic Era.
Referred Material:
SMM P84.19.3, P78.14.133: Skulls with perforating fractures.
SMM P79.19.1026: Left surangular with probable perforating fracture.
SMM P83.12.64: Atlas with possible osteomyelits missing intercentrum and neurocentra.
SMM P76.33.289: First dorsal with exostosis, probable chondroma.
SMM P75.22.518: Dorsal vertebra with peristeopathy.
SMM P.70.20.1775: Dorsal vertebra with periosteopathy.
SMM P.70.2-.1752, P72.34.96, P73.25.73, P74.24.6, P75.22.1-7, P75.22.110, P75.22.351, P76.28.474. P76.28.863, P76.28.936, P76.28.980, P76.28.1014, P76.33.392, P79.19.109, P79.19.772, P79.19.781, P79.19.782, P79.19.807, P79.19.816, P79.19.817, P79.19.900, P79.19.987, P79.19.990, P. 79.19.991, P79.19.992, P79.19.993, P79.19.1095, P80.10.344 (2 elements) P82.12.5, P83.12.99, P89.6.56, P89.6.161, P91.17.198, P91.17.201, P93.22.61, P93.22.146, P93.22.148, P93.22.168, P95.13.18, P95.13.19, P95.13.20, P95.13.21, P95.13.22, P95.13.23, P95.13.24, P95.13.25: Pathologic dorsal centra.
SMM P89.6.214: Dorsal vertebra with possible osteomelitis.
SMM P70.20.408: 3 dorsal vertebra with spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P82.12.258: First sacral vertebra missing neural spine, but includes left rib with periosteopathy.
SMM P.95.13.6: Caudal vertebra with transverse fracture and periosteopathy.
SMM P79.19.1001: Caudal vertebral centrum with periosteopathy.
SMM P71.16.293, P76.28.847, P76.33.284, P76.33.464, P79.19.649, P79.19,654, P79.19.665, P79.19.669, P79.19.678, P79.19.809, P79.19.859, P79.19.988, P79.19.999, P79.19.1000, P79.19.1002, P79.19.1089, P83.12.42, P91.17.105, P93.14.148, P93.22.98, P95.13.3, P95.13.4: Pathologic caudal centra.
SMM P72.34.24: Chevron with transverse fracture.
SMM P83.12.65: Chevron with probable transverse fracture.
SMM P79.19.997: Chevron with possible malformation.
SMM P83.12.63: Cervical rib with probable osteomyelitis.
SMM P73.25.115: Dorsal rib with possible greenstick fracture.
SMM P89.6.79: Dorsal rib with ribbed periosteopathy and spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P70.20.420: Interclavicle with probable depressed fracture.
SMM P76.28.804: Right scapula with exostosis.
SMM P95.13.12: Right humerus with periosteopathy.
SMM P74.24.12: Radius with fusiform osteopathy.
SMM P77.33.21: ¾ of proximal end of a radius with periosteopathy.
SMM P75.22.346: Radius missing distal end with probable comminuted fracture and secondary osteomyelitis.
SMM P76.28.905: ¾ shaft of a ulna missing both ends and having periosteopathy.
SMM P79.19.1007, P76.28.372: 2 ulnae with periostopathy.
SMM P75.22.480 : Left ulna with probable osteomylitits.
SMM P73.25.1 : Left pubis with ribbed periosteopathy.
SMM P77.33.7 : Right femur with possible oblique fracture.
SMM P76.28.900 : Left femur with osteomyelitis.
SMM P79.19.1120 : Proximal 2/3rds of a femur with exostoses.
SMM P70.20.1783 : Proximal ½ of femur with exostoses.
SMM P76.28.55: tibia with oblique fracture and probable secondary osteomyelitis.
SMM P72.34.240: Distal ½ of fibula with transverse fracture.
SMM P92.2.53: Metapodial with comminuted fracture.
SMM P70.20.77, P76.28.53, P76.28.374, P76.28.375, P79.19.1012, P95.13.8: 6 metapotals with probable transverse fractures.
SMM P70.21.242, P72.34.25, P76.10.9. P76.28.364, P76.28.369, P76.28.370, P76.28.886, P79.19.313, P79.19.1006, P79.19.1014: Metopodials with periostopathy.
SMM P71.16.248: Metopodial with fusiform osteopathy.
SMM P95.13.9: Metacarpal V with spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P76.28.3: Metatarsal/phalange with sponyloarthropathy.SMM P73.25.118, P75.22.47, P75.22.55, P75.22.517, P76.28.10, P77.33.246, P79.19.1004, P95.13.10: Metaodials with spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P75.22.4: Phalange with transverse fracture.
SMM P95.13.26: Phalange with oblique fracture.
SMM P70.20.1716, P72.34.23, P73.25.116, P74.24.326, P76.28.363, P76.28.368, P76.28.861, P77.33.248, P77.33.249, P77.33.250, P79.19.543, P79.19.995, P79.19.1003: Phalanges with periosteopathy/osteopathy.
SMM P74.24.232. P76.28.362, P76.28.367, P76.28.371, P76.28.838, P76.28.951, P79.19.1008, P92.2.25, P93.22.23: Phalanges with spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P74.24.29: Phalange with exostosis.
SMM P70.20.74, P76.28.450, P95.13.17: Gastralia with probable transverse fractures.
SMM P70.20.92, P71.16.274, P74.24.67. P74.24.76, P74.24.87, P79.19.232. P79.19.241, P79.19.245, P79.19.247, P79.19.257, P79.19.1017, P79.20.280, P89.6.104, P91.17.156, P93.22.99, P93.22.106, P93.22.114, P95.13.15, P95.13.16: Gastralia with probable transverse fractures.
SMM P79.19.1005: ungual with spondyloarthropathy.
SMM P70.20.1692: Ungual with exostosis.
SMM P77.33.88: Osteoscute with two perforating fractures.
SMM P72.34.230: Osteoscute with perforating fracture.
SMM P70.20.105, P71.16.259, P72.34.237, P72.34.239, P74.24.424, P75.22.164, P76.33.441, P79.19.935, P79.19.936, P79.19.937, P79.19.949, P79.19.961, P79.19.962 (“buttonhole”), P79.19.964, P79.19.966, P79.19.976, P79.19.984, P82.12.373, P82.12.497, P83.12.83, P83.12.116: Osteoscutes with perforating fractures.
SMM P82.12.382: Osteoscute with periostepathy/osteopathy.
SMM P79.19.941: Osteoscute with periosteopahty/osteopathy.
SMM P79.19.955: Osteoscue with periostepathy/osteopathy.
SMM P71.16.261, P73.25.117, P74.24.494, P76.28.866, P76.33.414 (2 specimens found together), P76.33.439, P76.33.457, P79.19.934, P79.19.940, P79.19.943, P79.19.946, P79.19.953, P79.19.954, JP79.19.956, P79.19.963, P79.19.974, P79.19.981, P79.19.985, P82.12.263, P82.12.496, P89.6.117, P93.22.37, P93.22.186, P95.13.13: Osteoscutes with periostoeopathy/osteopathy.
SMM P82.12.306: Osteoscute with probable malformation.
SMM P82.12.419: Osteoscute with probable malformation.