Genus: Centrosaurus LAMBE, 1904
Etymology: Greek, knetron, “spur, sharp point, and Greek, sauros, “lizard”: “spur (crest) lizard”.

Species: apertus LAMBE, 1904

Referred material:


Locality: Centrosaurus bonebed, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 1989.018.0108: Fibula with osteosarcoma.

PARKS, 1921

Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, 1 mile south of the Red Deer River and 2 1/2 miles above Happy Jack Ferry, at an elevation of 116 feet (aneroid) above the water, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


ROM: Skull and dentary, 17 vertebrae, scapula, coracoid, humeri, left radius, left ulna, left mans, both sternal bones.
Note: Paleopathology, fractured and healed lateral parietal.



Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 91.18.18: Partial right squamosal.
Note: Palaeopathology, ‘punched out leasion’.


= Centrosaurus flexus BROWN, 1914

Locality: Quarry 249, Dinosaur Provincial Park, 2 miles from the mouth of Sand Creek, 12 miles south of Steveville, Red Deer River, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


AMNH 5341 (YPM 2015): Skull and skeleton.
Note: Mounted in the Yale Peabody Museum.
Note: Pathology, has two fused cervicals, V and VI.


DANIS, 1986

Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


UA 11735: Skull.
Note : Paleopathology, left squamosal has a possible healing puncture wound (TYSON, 1977).
Note: From Quarry 135 (TANKE & ROTHSCHILD, 2002).



Locality: Dinosaur Provincial Park, Alberta Province, Canada.

Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.


Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.


RTMP 97.85.1: Skull and lower jaw.
Note: Pits, left and right postorbital horn cores, right squamosal epoccipitals, corner of left squamosal, some parietal process missing.

cf. Centrosaurus sp

RTMP 64.5.194A: Squamosal.
Note: POL.

RTMP 80.54.1: Skull including parietla,s left orbital region and jugal, right orbital region, jugal, maxilla, fragmentary right squamosal, and nearly complete left squamosal.
Note: 2 POLs, paietal.

RTMP 81.16.362: Fragmentary left squamosal.
Note: Resorption along vental edge, abnormal bone texture possibly indicating osteomyelitis.

RTMP 90.36.411: Isolated adutl left squamosal.
Note: POLs, pits, squamosal fenestra, drainage tracks.

RTMP 91.18.18: Posterior blade of right squamosal.
Note: 2 POLs, one possibly penetrating fully to form a squamosal fenestra.

RTMP 95.400.54: Partial prietal.
Note: POL.

= cf. Centrosaurus TANKE & ROTHSCHILD, 2010

RTMP 82.16.289: Nasal fragment that has alow, rounded dome of pathological bone instead of the normal prominent nasal horncore.

RTMP 2007.35.77: Similiar skull pathology as the previous one.

RTMP 91.36.488: An isolated subadult right nasal, bears several large openings posteroventral to the posterior edge of the nasal horn.

RTMP 64.5.191: Fragmentary skull with severe bilateral asymmetry with the posterior ramus of the element 40° from the perpendicular also the left side of this bone thins rapidly and is possible evidence of atrophy.

RTMP 95.12.144: Right dentary with a longitudinal ridge of bone on the ventral edge, directly below the anteriormost tooth positions. Externally the bone is slightly swollen at the wound site. Small, rugose patches of bone are present internally (anterior) and posteriorly on either side of the main lesion, but the etiology remains uncertain. This possibly represents a well-healed greenstick fracture.

RTMP 2002.68.165: Right dentary with a low, slightly swollen area just posterior to the predentary articulation and below the tooth rows. The lesions has several low ridges that run parallel to the long axis of the bone and have a distinctie filigree texture. This appears to represents a low-grade bone infection, active at the time of death.

RTMP 2007.20.51: Right dentary with a low smooth lobe of bone arising from teh ventral edge of the tooth row, which extends anterio-dorsally and completely blocks tooth row 6 and 7.

RTMP 2005.12.566: Left dentary, with a pathologic articulation at the coronid.

RTMP 2005.9.8: Right dentary fragment with lesion that represents a case of massive osteomyelitis and was active at time of death.

RTMP 66.21.51: 2 fused vertebrae.

RTMP 92. 36.715: 2 fused dorsla centra.

RTMP 91.18.77, 89.97.1: Non-infectious breaks imperfectly healed and forming pseudoarthroses.

RTMP 98.93.77: Proximal caudal vertebra with destruction (osteolysis?) of the procimal endplate.

RTMP 95.400.111: Both endplates of an isoalted subadult proximal caudal centrum.

RTMP 91.50.74: 3 fused adult midcaudal vertbrae.

RTMP 91.50.74: 3 fused adult midcaudal vertbrae.

RTMP 2000.12.37: Two fused mid-caudals and the fused remnats of a chevron.

RTMP 93.109.6: Bears a prominent horizontal and infolded crack at mid-height of the proximal endplate.

RTMP 87.18.27: Congential defect consisting of 2 intersecting infolded 'crackes', forming a 90° angle on the proximal articular face of the centrum.

RMTP 94.12.429: 2, minute, fused distal caudals from very near the end of tail.

RTMP 82.18.227: Left ulna bearing a porminent bi-lobed and rounded knob on its external edge due to old avulsion injury.

RTMP 89.18.108: Distal half of an adult fibula which apparently suffered massive trauma.

RTMP 95.400.215: Fibula shaft with a massive callus.

RTMP 92.36.1039, 98.93.74, 2007.26.11: Severely pathologic or malformed distal ends of phalanges.

RTMP 91.28.30, 66.32.11, 91.36.26, 91.36.98, 92.36.226: Phalnges with shallow to deep, circular to oval-shaped pits.

