Genus: Compsognathus WAGNER, 1861
Etymology: Greek, kompsos “elegant [delicate, adorned]”, and Greek,
gnathus, jaw; elegant jaw.
Species: longipes WAGNER, 1861
= Compsognathus corallestris BIDAR, DEMAY & THOMEL, 1972
Locality: <<Petit Plan>>, Canjuers, Var Department, France.
Horizon: Portlandian Lithographic limestone.
Age: Tithonian? Or Kimmeridgian Stage? Malm Epoch, Late Jurassic.
Material: Skull and nearly complete skeleton.
Note: Pathology on the left metatarsal IV. The proximal third of the shaft is swollen to almost three times its normal diameter measured below and above this anomaly. The shaft has no visable brakage at teh level of the pathology, indicating that a possible fracture healed before death. Possible a stress fracture (PEYER, 2006).