Species: tutus (LAMBE, 1902) LAMBE, 1910
Referred material:
Locality: Sand Creek, Red Deer River, Locality 84 on Sternberg’s map, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5337: Skull and brain cast and fragmentary skeleton.
Note: Left ilium has a pathologic hole?
Locality: Quarry 100, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5409: Isolated pelvis and sacrum; complete right ilium, mostly complete left ilium, complet left ischium and 8 vertebrae formign the sacral rod.
Note: Has a pathology with a broken sacral rib and right ilium. (ARBOUR & CURRIE, 2011)
Locality: S.31? T32, R21, 100 feet above west bank of Red Deer River, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5245: Sacrum, pelvis, ribs, and tail club.
Note: Has 2 fused caudal vertebrae (first and second). ARBOUR & CURRIE, 2011
Locality: Quarry unknown, Red Deer River, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 1930: Skull, vertebrae, ilium, scapula and humerus.
Note: Chevron with pathology, largest free caudal vertebrae is missing the haemal arch and both transverse processes which has an abnormal swelling of bone, the last free has a pathology. (ARBOUR & CURRIE, 2011)
RTMP 2005.09.75: First free caudal vertebra with a swolen distally neural spine.
RTMP 1985.36.79: Free caudal vertebra with a swollen neural spine.
RTMP 1992.36.344: Distal free caudal with a pathology on the dorsal aspect of the centrum.
RTMP 1983.36.120: Partial tail club with a pathological tail club.
Locality: Quarry 089, 12 miles below Steveville, Red Deer River, about 20 feet from locality 54 of Sternberg’s map, Alberta Province, Canada.Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
AMNH 5404: Skull, most of limb bones, vertebrae, ribs and armour.
Note: 2 of the caudal vertebrae has pathologies; one with a laterally oriented cavity on the ventral edge of the posterior face of the centrum, the second has large cavities between the transverse processes and the centrum on the ventral side. (ARBOUR & CURRIE, 2011)
Locality: About 0.5 Miles (9.81 km) south of Locality 79 (Sternberg, 1950), sec. 32, Tp20, R11W, of 4th Meri, Dinosaur Provincial Park, Newell County, Alberta Province, Canada.
Horizon: Dinosaur Park Formation, upper Judith River Group.
Age: Judithian age, Middle Campanian Stage, middle Senonian subepoch, upper Gulf Epoch, Late Cretaceous.
ROM 788: Tail club with co-oosified distal caudal vertebrae.
Note: Has a pathology on the tail club. (ARBOUR & CURRIE, 2011)