Genus: Mapusaurus CORIA & CURRIE, 2006
= Genus: Nova CORIA & CURRIE, 1997
Etymology: "Mapu" is a Mapuche (local indienous people) term for
Earth, and Greek, sauros, 'lizard'; "Earth Reptile".
Species: roseae CORIA & CURRIE, 2006
Etymology: In reference to the rose colored rocks that surround the site
were the specimen was found, and to Rose Letwin (Seattle) who sponsored
the expeitions in 1999, 2000, 2001.
Locality: From a Bonebed, Canadon del Gato in the Cortaderas area, 20 km southwest of Plaza Huincul, Neuquen Province, Argentina.
Horizon: Huincul Formation, Middle Rio Limay Subgroup, Lower Neuquen Group.
(Was Huincul Member, Rio Limay Formation).
Age: Limayan Tetrapoda Assemblage, Cenomanian Stage, Uppermiddle Gallic Subepoch, Lowermost Gulf Epoch, Late Early or Middle Cretaceous-Turonian Stage, Uppermost Gallic Subepoch, Lower Gulf Epoch, Early Late Cretaceous.
BELL & CORIA, 2013
Paleopatholgies have been found on:
MCF-PVPH 108-90: Unfused cervical neural arch with a single pathological cavity on the poster margin of the right prezygapophyseal facet.
MCF-PVPH 108-175: A right dorsal rib with a lesion..
MCF-PVPH 108-220: A dorsal rib, with overtubulation of the shaft.
MCF-PVPH 108-81: A partial right ilium with five erosiional lesions.
MCF-PVPH 108-23: ?Left pedal phalanx III-1 has marginal erosion on distal articular surface.
MCF-PVPH-90: Mid-caudal neural arch, has erosion on right prezygapophysis.