Genus: Plateosaurus MEYER, 1837
Etymology: Greek, plata, "broad" and Greek, sauros, "lizard."
= Plataeosaurus MEYER, 1845 (sic)
= Plateosaurns YADAGIRI, 1988 (sic)
= Platysaurus AGASSIZ, 1846/SMITH, 1844 (sic)
Species: engelhardti MEYER, 1837
Etymology: In honor Dr. Engelharti. It turns out the species name is a misspelling
of Dr. Engelharti because there is no 'd' in his name.
Referred material:
GALTON, 1985/HUENE, 1928
Locality: Obere Mühle Locality, Trossingen, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Keuper.
Age: Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
GPIT-PV-30784 (formerly Geoogisch-Palaontologisches Institut, Univrsitat Tubingen, Federal Republic of Germany, UT. 1): Skull and skeleton. Note: With palaopatholgic chevrons (SCHAEFFER, WOLFF, WITZMANN, FERREIRA, SCHOCH & MUJAL, 2024).
= Plateosaurus trossingensis E. FRAAS, 1913
Etymology: In reference to Trossingen, Stuttgart, Germany.
= Plateosaurus integer E. FRAAS, 1913 (nomen vanum)
= Plateosaurus fraasianus HUENE, 1932 (ex Plateosaurus trossingensis E. FRAAS, 1913)
Etymology: In honor of Eberhard Fraas.Holotype: SMNS 13200
Locality: Obere Mühle (Plateosaurus quarry), Trossingen, Stuttgart, Baden-Wurttemberg State, Germany.
Horizon: Upper Stubensandstein, upper Lowenstein Formation, Late Middle Keuper.
Age: Late Norian Stage, Middle Late Triassic Epoch, Late Triassic.
Material: Skull and an almost complete skeleton, that lacks the left forelimb and a few vertebrae beyond caudal 25. Note: With palaopatholgic chevrons (SCHAEFFER, WOLFF, WITZMANN, FERREIRA, SCHOCH & MUJAL, 2024).